I will be fearless as I take my personal inventory and uncover those thoughts that I sad myself with on an ongoing basis.
“The most common symptoms of emotional insecurity are worry, anger, self-pity, and depression. These stem from causes which sometimes seem to be within us, and at other times to come from without. To take inventory in this respect we ought to consider carefully all personal relationships which bring continuous or recurring trouble.”
Clarification of thought
I am seeing how my attitudes of worry, anger, self-pity and depression can keep me imprisoned. Working with my program has been and is part and parcel of my every waking minute. The Steps that I put so much faith in are the road signs that keep me on this shining path which I call God’s will for me. I am reminded of not sticking my nose always into other people’s business so that my serenity is lost.
I am mindful that this program is mine for the used. I believe that this program deals with the way we respond to our attachments and compulsions. The Second and the Third Step help me realize that there is a God larger than me. Once I am in his will, I can move on and be changed for the better. It is a simple reality to realize that to work on my program is to let God work through me.
Depression sometimes is a symptom of something inside me that I have lost. It is a sadness over something gone out of my life. This loss could be the reality of never being good enough, never doing enough or being les than perfect. The symptoms disappear when I can learn to live with the belief that I will find hope and begin to feel better.
God will help us today to overcome our need to be compulsive about everything negative that we say to ourselves. God will help us say Stop to all those compulsive and self-defeating thoughts.”
Copyright(c) Higher Thoughts for Down days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of 12 step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. Page 168.
Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.
Hope to hope. Depressed Anonymous Publications. (2000) Louisville.