To let the depressed person know that she or he is not alone in his or her struggle with depression. We also help others learn to do pleasant activities again. To provide a group where members can help one another and learn new skills in making mastery over their lives and begin to live again … Continue reading The Aims of Depressed Anonymous →
To let the depressed person know that she or he is not alone in his or her struggle with depression. We also help others learn to do pleasant activities again. To provide a group where members can help one another and learn new skills in taking mastery over their lives and begin to live again … Continue reading The Aims of Depressed Anonymous →
I have been quite aware , early on into my depression experience, that I would continually attempt to find out why I was feeling so alone, depressed and hollow inside. The anxiety that I felt was overwhelming. It was present wherever I would go. I couldn’t shake it. I later learned that this, ruminating, … Continue reading “Rumination is something I know all about!” Are you a ruminator? →
A SPECIAL EDITION OF THE ANTIDEPRESSANT TABLET Volume #1 Fall issue, 2017 ++Formerly called the Newsletter++ The following is a testimony from Kim who is presently sharing her gratitude for the HOME STUDY RECOVERY PROGRAM which she has found to be a way for her to work the Depressed Anonymous program. She has a Sponsor … Continue reading Volume #1 Fall issue, 2017 →
Welcome to the Depressed Anonymous Newsletter Issue #4 We seek to prevent depression through education and by creating a supportive and caring community through support groups that successfully keep individuals from relapsing into depression relapsing into depression. This Newsletter is published by those of us who are committed to sharing our journey of hope as … Continue reading Issue #4 →
Welcome to the Depressed Anonymous Newsletter Issue #4 We seek to prevent depression through education and by creating a supportive and caring community through support groups that successfully keep individuals from relapsing into depression . This Newsletter is published by those of us who are committed to sharing our journey of hope as … Continue reading NEWSLETTER #4 →
Welcome to the Depressed Anonymous Newsletter Issue #3 This Newsletter is published by those of us who are committed to sharing our journey of hope as we live out the Twelve Steps of Recovery. The Newsletter continues the tradition of an earlier Depressed Anonymous Newsletter, the Antidepressant Tablet. Even though our emphasis is the same, offering information … Continue reading Issue #3 →
“Hold these as if they were real, absolute and immutable truths these following six options. No matter how good and nice I appear to be, I am really bad, evil, valueless, unacceptable to myself and to others. Other people are such that I must fear, hate and envy them. Life is terrible and death is … Continue reading Six ways to build a prison of depression for yourself →
Welcome to the Depressed Anonymous Newsletter Issue #2 This Newsletter is published by those of us who are committed to sharing our journey of hope as we live out the Twelve Steps of recovery. The Newsletter continues the tradition of an earlier Depressed Anonymous Newsletter, the ANTIDEPRESSANT TABLET. Even though our emphasis is the same, … Continue reading Issue #2 →
Welcome to the Depressed Anonymous Newsletter Issue #1 This Newsletter is published by those of us who are committed to sharing our journey of hope as we live out the Twelve Steps of recovery. The Newsletter continues the tradition of an earlier Depressed Anonymous Newsletter, the ANTIDEPRESSANT TABLET. Even though our emphasis is … Continue reading Issue #1 →