“This new belief in a Higher Power is not the creation of any organized religion but instead is the Power that creates the universe. Our surrender and trust in it frees it to work its way in our lives. That is the paradox of the Twelve Steps – the more we depend on the Higher Power instead of our addictions, the freeer we in reality become.
This new belief will in time give us the power to think about risking life without having to be dead sure of what the next moment will bring. It appears that when we are depressed, we are so sure that since everything in the past has been bad so should everything be in the future. You just expect everything to turn ut badly. So, the tomorrows never look very good to us. We need therefore to live in the now and it is when we surrender to the Higher Power that we finally begin to feel a safety we never felt before.”
SOURCE: Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition. (2017) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. Pg. 43.
Comment: This is the Second Step of the Twelve Steps, the spiritual principles that guide the lives of those of us who are in recovery. The Steps are the guides that promote our personal peace and hope. They are like a ladder that lead us to a higher level of living, while at the same time leading us to others just like ourselves.
I know that for some who come into our program of recovery feel a bit squeamish about turning their lives over to some Higher Power. In Step Three, the Higher Power is defined as the God of our understanding–who we understand God to be. No matter what one’s religious beliefs might be or not be, we have this Power who we can turn to and to whom we can surrender our daily lives. We just know that we can’t defeat our problem alone but need the help of God, a Higher Power. The Depressed Anonymous fellowship is there to help us in our journey out of our depression. Their own lives and healing is in itself a power which can inspires us to continue on our journey as we work through the Steps and continue to hope. And by listening to the stories of others who are on the same path as our own and finding healing in their stories, we can tell ourselves that there must “be hope for me as well.”
An excellent work titled A MEDLEY OF DEPRESSION STORIES, by Debra Sanford, published in 2017, ( ISBN 978-1974499601) will provide a wealth of hope for you as you accompany them in their personal stories out of the darkness of their own depression. They show us how the God of their understanding and the fellowship of DA all come together to give them back their lives of hope and happiness.
Also, you can read inspirational stories of recovery in Depressed Anonymous, in the Personal Stories section of the book. Both books would be great gifts to those of your family or friends who are looking for help.