Bill W., co- founder of Alcoholics Anonymous got it right when he wrote these words. He said we have to grow or else deteriorate. This is true of all life, including plant, animal and humanity. We cannot stop growing and if we do, we wither and die. Our daily life must be guided by those certain constructive activities where our ongoing development is enhanced and strengthened.
In our program of recovery (I am speaking of Depressed Anonymous) our growth is measured by the amount of serenity and hope that fills our daily life. These two qualities are like taking those essential vitamins keeping us healthy and in touch with the power greater than ourselves that provides for personal guidance and direction.
The spiritual principles of the 12 steps keep us on the march, in sync with the promises as provided us by the co-founders of AA in the Big Book. Every day is a challenge and an opportunity to change into that person, who piece by piece has begun dismantling all that is negative in one’s life and replacing that with positive strengths and attitudes. That means that we cannot stand still forever and remain frozen in a constant battle with our inner demons –always coming out the loser with no real change in the way we live out our lives.
The real change begins the moment that we surrender our will and our lives to that Power greater than ourselves. Every day we use the spiritual principles of our program to chart our course, much like the North Star which provides the reference point for the lost mariner.
Going to meetings, talking with our sponsor and reading the literature of our 12 Step Fellowship pretty much insure that our lives will continue to change in many positive ways. It has to be said that just as a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, so too we begin a transformation that can last a lifetime. That’s a promise!