In the Depressed Anonymous Workbook, we are asked a very important question included in STEP FIVE.
AT 5.1 the question is asked: As a child did you get a message that if you were good and did everything that you were supposed to do that you would end up happy and everything would go your way? (The Workbook then asks you to write out your response.) For all of us, who are experiencing depression, this is a very important question. I myself have often wondered how the messages of childhood are working for us now that we are adults.
STEP FIVE is about intimacy and the sharing of one’s innermost self with its secrets to that other human being. This is something that we hate that we would much rather snuggle back into our little corner and keep all knotted up in the addiction to our misery. In STEP FOUR we learned about getting it straight within ourselves so that we looked into every nook and cranny inside ourselves that kept us from being honest with ourselves, our God and all the other human beings that we have shared our story with.
For that personal experience of our lives, as we see it, can be obtained by spending time with the Depressed Anonymous Workbook. You will be amazed by the feelings that come up and present themselves as we work through our lives using the Twelve Steps as a roadmap of life.