Dep-Anon Family Group, a must for families with a depressed loved one

Dep-Anon, a 12 Step recovery program for families and friends of the depressed, has recently had its Manual and program guide published (2021) by Depressed Anonymous Publications.

The Dep-Anon Family group has but one purpose: To help families and friends of the depressed. We do this by practicing the 12 Steps of Depressed Anonymous ourselves: by encouraging and understanding our depressed loved ones, the nature of their depression, plus welcoming and giving group support to families of the depressed.

Families are now equipped to form their own support groups, giving assistance to each other while all the time keeping the focus on their own growth and healing, without trying to fix the depressed member of their family.

You will join with other family members who no longer are alone, using the recovery tools of Dep-Anon. You will learn how the spiritual principles of the 12 Steps, applied to one’s own situation, will accompany you through every chapter of this new work.

A new feeling of hope begins to take hold as you participate in the Dep-Anon meetings. You will continue to learn from the other Dep-Anon group members how to start to take care of yourself. You will begin with yourself. The focus will reside with you and not on the depressed.

A DA member commented at a Depressed Anonymous meeting, hoped that her own family members would be part of this new movement. She knew that they would learn how to focus on themselves, applying the Steps to their own recovery, learning what depression is and what it is not.

Instead of being critical of the depressed loved one’s behaviors, they would possibly for the first time, have a compassionate understanding of how the various symptoms of depression played their part in immobilizing the depressed.

If there is someone in your family who could be helped by reading and forming a family group, please let them know Dep-Anon is now available.


  • Copyright © Hugh Smith. Dep-Anon, a 12 Step program of recovery for families and friends of the depressed. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville, KY
  • Copyright © Depressed Anonymous, Third Edition (2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications, Louisville, KY

Please visit Depressed Anonymous Literature for a list of all the titles available from Depressed Anonymous Publications. The page includes links for purchasing options.

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