An alternative path: The Depressed Anonymous Home Study Program of Recovery has been offered for those who cannot find a Depressed Anonymous group in their area. One of the drawbacks to finding a Depressed Anonymous meeting in one’s community is the nature of the problem in that depression has our life shut down. Depression is such that it isolates and immobilizes. We don’t want to move out of our comfort zone. We’ll take care of our problem when we feel better. But we never feel better and so stay in our isolation. It is only when we feel we have to get help that we move toward a solution for our depression or whatever it is we have.
Depression is not a substance addiction problem, even though we modeled our program on the 12 spiritual principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. Like so many problems facing our modern society, many people have put the power of these principles to work in their own lives, be that of overeating, opioids addiction and a plethora of compulsive behaviors, phobias and so on.
Depressed Anonymous formed as a mutual aid group where others, like ourselves, have come together, utilizing the 12 Steps of recovery and have found a way out of their depression.
When people ask us for a group in their area more times than not we suggest they use the tools that we offer at our site and come together and form their own group. But for those who cannot do this, for all sorts of reasons, find themselves without the help that they are looking for.
This is where the Depressed Anonymous Home Study comes in to help. With this program, a person can use the Depressed Anonymous Manual and Workbook. They also can be provided with a sponsor to work their program online. The program is conducted via emails between the Home Study participant and the sponsor. The 12 Steps are examined and applied to one’s own experience with depression by answering the questions provided by Home Study. From having a positive experience with the Home Study Program of Recovery some of the participants have begun a Depressed Anonymous program in their own community. Before the Home Study Program of Recovery there were no DA groups in their home community. After the Home Study Program was used , and a thorough study of the Steps was accomplished , a group was set in motion. Sometimes a therapist was obtained who helped the participant work the Steps. Sometimes a member of another 12 Step fellowship could help share how their own involvement with the Steps provided them a release from their addiction.
To learn more about the Home Study Program we have given you some resources at our website for your examination
Kim shares her own experiences with the Home Study Program in Volume #1 Fall Issue of the DA Newsletter. She tells us about the “before” of working the Steps and the “after” of completing the Home Study an how it freed her from the captivity of depression and isolation. Please read it–be inspired as was I. Her story is to be found at the NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES on the Home Page Menu list.
Also, a full explanation of the HSP and what it is about, is explained at the Depressed Anonymous Home Page Menu-See HOME STUDY PROGRAM.
Depressed Anonymous groups also use the HOME STUDY as the basis for the STEP STUDY home are different and creative ways to use this tool for recovery from depression. Also remember that there is available a sponsor to help the participant work through each of the Steps.
NOTE: I f you desire to start a group in your community is also advisable to have worked all the steps yourself. We can then share that we have worked through all the Steps and that we have a Sponsor.
A member of a newly formed Depressed Anonymous group in an international community is now started with the Home Study and will be the first member of the group to go through all the Steps with a Sponsor. Congratulations to her and her group. It is a positive that the questions contained in the Workbook have a unique relationship to one’s own life as the steps are applied to one’s own life situations.
You can contact us at [email protected]. Thank you!