” I am a thirty-four year old single female who has been suffering from depression for a long time. Most of my depression was brought on by feelings of insecurity, such as not being able to express my inner feelings of insecurity, such as not being able to express my inner feelings, being controlled by a dominating adult, loneliness, stress, workaholic, anxiety attacks (related to work and everyday pressures of living), too much sleep, nervousness, lack of motivation, being tired all the time, sadness, weight gain, digestive problems, a feeling of being trapped, self consciousness, not trusting myself, dreams of dying but yet managing to come back to life, withdrawal from family, or loss of interest in meeting with the opposite sex.
It seemed that I was living in another world until my parents gave me a phone number of Depressed Anonymous. The Depressed Anonymous meetings, plus reading the Depressed Anonymous manual have provided me with the tools to live without being depressed. Most important of all, the Twelve Steps mentioned in the book have made me understand that God (my Higher Power) will give me the strength to deal with my depression and get on with my life and be happy with myself.
The book with its Twelve Steps has taught me that I am not the only one who is suffering from depression. It has taught me to believe more in my Higher Power and to let it handle my depression.
All these new tools have helped me and will continue to do so. They also taught me not to dwell on my past, but to live life one day at a time, and to look toward the future, but not live there. It will take me a long time to deal with depression, but I am glad that these tools are available. Life can be good for a change. Please don’t give up.”
– Anonymous
Even though this anonymous writer was suffering from innumerable problems and life situations, she found solutions in the form of meetings, specifically geared to the depressed. By reading the Depressed Anonymous literature she is daily gaining a new motivation to use the tools that are promoting positive solutions to her seemingly insoluble and negative realities.
The tools mentioned in her story, showing that by using a piece by piece approach to dealing with her problems, these have brought her back to life. We know there is always hope –please don’t give up!
NOTE : For more stories of HOPE please click onto THE DEPRESSED ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS BOOKSTORE. The Depressed Anonymous literature is available by ONLINE ordering.
(c) Depressed Anonymous, 3rd ed., (2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. KY. Personal stories : # 29. I am no longer alone. Pages 148-149
+ International Online Skype Depressed Anonymous Meeting (See Homepage Menu (depressedanon.com )for Link. Meetings Thursdays and Sundays. Format is same as a f2f DA meeting.)
+ See Homepage (depressedanon. com) drop down Menu for TOOLS OF RECOVERY.