# 11 of 15 Ways to leave the prison of depression.
“I make a daily inventory of all my positive strengths. I tended to magnify the worst in everything in my life and make mountains for molehills. I will focus on my stars and not my scars.” Believing is Seeing. pgs. 57-59.
As therapist, and with a new counselee beginning therapy, I always asked them one question, simply put, was to have them list their strengths. I suggested for them to list no more than five. With a pencil and paper in their hands I waited to see what they had listed as strengths. I waited. And I waited some more. ( I might add that this was my format for anyone who made an appointment to talk about their experiences with depression.)
After a bit, I them asked if they could share with me the strengths that they had put down on paper. Sheepishly, they told me that they were unable to mention any “stars” or personal strengths. “None came to mind” was their answer. But over time, when the fog of pain disappeared, their list of strengths were gradually unearthed and these strengths began to lengthen with each new meeting.
One of the realities that stands out in our lives when depressed is that we see everything in dark colors. Nothing looks hopeful. There does not appear to be a light at the end of the tunnel – we do not have a friend in the world. We feel we will never feel good again. The list goes on and on.
“By the fact that you are reading this, (Believing is Seeing) takes the strength to want to feel good and continue to maintain a positive recovery. Begin now and reflect on your strengths. Believe that you have the strength to maintain them each day. Your personal strengths maintain a personal persistence and a desire to continue with gratitude this new feeling of hope.” pg. 59.
For an added resource one can also use the Depressed Anonymous Workbook as an excellent resource in discovering our ” stars” that are /or have been part of our lives before we became frozen in the fear and hurt of our depression.
SOURCE: Copyright(c) Believing is Seeing: 15 ways to leave the Prison of Depression. (2016) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. Pages 57-59.
Copyright (c) The Depressed Anonymous Workbook. (2002) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.
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