Originally published January 25, 2019. Some formatting changes.
I need to gather evidence that I am doing better, rather than focusing on all the ways I am feeling worse.
Negative voice: I am doing worse and I do everything wrong.
Positive response: No, I’m doing better little by little and here is some evidence:
- Set your goals really small
- People often give up hope feeling too overwhelmed
- Each week identify what would be the tiniest-absolutely smallest piece of evidence that you are doing better
The smallest tiniest piece of evidence that I am doing better is:
- I stopped my negative tape in my head once
- That I read and completed a small section of the Depressed Anonymous Workbook, answering four questions
- That I was able to go out and walk though I didn’t want to this week
- Called a friend in the recovery program
- Began to read the first couple of paragraphs from our Big Book Depressed Anonymous and made a commitment to read a few paragraphs each day
Please add a few more of your own small pieces of positive changes that you made happen this past week.
Just by reading this BLOG you are taking a tiny step in your recovery.
I put on “grown up clothes” instead of pajamas all day more than one day this week.
I actually threw the ball with our dog instead of telling her to go away when she brought it to me.
I made efforts to connect with a friend this week and not be negative during the conversation.
These small goals seem small but in reality they are small motivators to keep pushing through the depression wall. After a week of stating your goals, reflect on which goals you would like to keep doing on a daily basis? You will have a lot of potential material to work with. Thank you for sharing your efforts and your words are motivators for the rest of us.
PS I liked your Blog–so creative and easy to look at and use.