For many of you who are scouring our website for a Depressed Anonymous group in your location, you will find that there are none. This is what made this WordPress BLOG site so necessary for the formation and development of groups around the globe. Truly, we are only a keyboard click away for those who are seeking help with their own depression or the depression of friend or family member. The beauty of this Twelve Step program deals specifically with the human angst of depression by using the spiritual principles of the Steps. To date, persons representing over 70 national groups, have visited our website resulting in over 14,000 hits since August of 2014. And the best scenario for getting started on one’s own recovery is, of course, the face to face group. Those persons who have set up groups in their own location, around the world, are most fortunate to have those persons who take up the challenge of getting a group started. But, not all of us are able to do that. Just the thought of starting a group is overwhelming I know. Just getting out of bed is an almost Hurculean effort for those of us depressed. So, what can we do? You can start your own Depressed Anonymous HOME STUDY PROGRAM. This process of using the DA Manual and Workbook together is a format used by some of our groups at their face to face meetings.
Depressed Anonymous Publications has offered different ways to get our material. A person can download our combo set of our main Depressed Anonymous plus the Depressed Anonymous Workbook off the website bookstore. This makes it possible to print out these two major works immediately on your home computer printer. This is also the least expensive. Then you can order the DA Manual and Workbook together off of our own website or at AMAZON.COM. We also have other pieces of literature written by persons like ourselves, who once were depressed and now, thanks to our recovery program and the Steps, one is no longer shackled by the isolating prison of depression.
SO, once you do click onto our site, check out all the website Menu offerings, where you can get a true picture of who we are, and what we do. You may like to download the many pages of info about our program onto your own computer and print it out as you prepare to set up your own group in your own community. Help yourself while helping others.
Hi Anne-As far as I know there are no DA groups which are 12 step in the UK. There was a group there a few years back but as far as I know–not to my knowledge. There was a group who called themselves Depressives Anonymous but not 12 step. We had a good ongoing relationship with them. Good people. The best we can do now , when there are no groups in a community–we recommend our Home Study program. This consists of a Manual and Workbook. We think it is best to have a face to face group, but reading and working the Steps in this manner is a good way to begin.
All the best to you and thank you for writing to us. Let us know if there is a group in UK -we’d appreciate it. Hugh