This is one of those major statements from the 12 Step program of recovery. ” I came to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.” In our own lives we sometimes came to believe in other matters which didn’t do much for our self respect or our dignity. In other words it didn’t touch us at the core of our own humanity. Our beliefs determine our future and how we respond to what continually impacts upon our daily lives.
Now let’s talk about the experience we may be having or have had with depression. What did that do to our self-respect and identity as a human being? Did I it loosen our bonds with persons with whom we once shared our lives and dreams? Did it cause us to throw in the towel of living, because we had no peace and a total loss of a sense of regularity about our lives. Could it possibly be all of the above?
And this is where the “I came to believe ” comes into my life. I first admitted that my life was out of control, and that I was powerless over my depression, that I had to surrender myself to something bigger than me, so I drug myself into the Fellowship of Depressed Anonymous and have been in this haven of sanity for the last 30 years. I am still there after all these years, not because I am still depressed. No, it’s because of my desire to share what I know about depression and how to help those still suffering from this illness of mind, body and spirit.
Read more personal stories by those of us who have recovered, thanks to the Fellowship of Depressed Anonymous.
Read : Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.