I know that just by being alive, I am gaining new insights into how to live and this, in itself, is continually giving me more and more energy to exist as my Higher Power would have me live..
“So we have to begin by asking, “Do we have the right to exist?” If we exist, we have the right to exist. We do not have to ask anyone’s permission to exist.”
Like it says in the famous Desiderata, I have every right to be in this universe. I have a right to be here. I need not shrink or fear anything or anyone. The times that I have felt so guilty for being alive, I now know it is my sense of not being worthwhile or acceptable to myself or others that keep me down.
I no longer need other people’s approval, just my own. Everyday as I keep my mind and heart focused on the solutions, the problems seem less oppressive and frightening. Today, when I want to hide, avoid others, or just climb into the security of the comfort of my depression, I cease to exist. I know that I am breaking free form my sadness by working the 12 Steps and listening to the voice inside of me that promotes my self-respect.
I now have permission to give myself a real boost by discovering that I can free myself from my sadness and my desire to sadden myself.
I give myself permission to risk living life to the fullest.
God, we learn from our friends in the group that we were somehow, somewhere in our development led to believe that life is terrible and death is worse. This kept us from your joy and sense that we were really someone. Now our feelings are shared and we are feeling better already. (Personal comments).
COPYRIGHT(c) Higher Thoughts for down days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for member so 12 Step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. April 23. Page 82.
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