I can make it through the next 24 hours. We will show you how


My best chance of surviving and living through this sadness that is worse than death is to hold on to the conviction that it will not last forever.


I now can see how the Depressed Anonymous group program changes people from week to week. The longer a person attends DA meetings, online or face to face, I can see  a change in their physical features as they seem  not so brooding and preoccupied. The people who work the 12 Step Program of recovery begin  placing  their trust in their Higher Power which gives them the courage to resist falling back into that old  familiar and comfortable pattern of saddening themselves. Each new day brings with it a stronger sense of hope as living becomes less restrictive and harsh.

My sadness began so long ago that the interminable feelings of hopelessness and despair seems to me so much of being human that is, until others tell me that this sadness is not their own experience. Then I knew I was different but that with  time and help, I would be feeling better about myself as I discovered some of the ways I got the way I am. The more I hear the stories of  others recovering members of Depressed Anonymous  groups (See Depressed Anonymous book/Personal stories section)  , the more hope I have. I now believe  that  in time I will begin to feel better.


Seeds with proper nourishment grow strong and healthy. Some plants grow well at night and in a cooler environment. Some in daylight. We pray that God will let us go through our present darkness   completely turning  our will and life over to its purpose.


(C) Higher Thoughts for Down Days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of 12 Step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville,. KY.

(C) Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition (2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.KY

2 thoughts on “I can make it through the next 24 hours. We will show you how”

    1. Hello Victoria
      Thank you for your inquiry about DA meetings in London. I do know of one in London that has been set up for those persons who speak FARSI only (Iranians).
      I do know that at our International Online Virtual ZOOM meetings which are hosted by the Depressed Anonymous fellowship for anyone looking for a daily online group meeting. I suggest that you might want to attend this live program of recovery. The times for the daily meetings are 11:30AM CDT and 12:30PM EDT. I do know that persons who are members of DA and from EU and specifically England, who attend the daily meeting. You might like to take a look and join us and see if this is what you are looking for.

      For more information for online groups outside of the USA please click onto the DA website at http://www.depressedanon.com and click on to the homepage at the drop-down Menu item, MEETINGS and there you will find meeting locations for all Online DA groups that host ZOOM meetings.

      If you need more information about our 12 Step program of recovery and group locations, please contact us here at depressedanon.com.

      Sincerely, Hugh S., for the fellowship.

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