I will trust myself to try thoughts other than the ones that make me feel sad, small and guilty. I will imagine myself happy and serene.
“Any system approaching perfect self-control is also approaching perfect self frustration. The desire for perfect control of the environment and of myself, is based on a profound mistrust of the controller. Because you couldn’t trust yourself to become, to allow yourself to grow as a plant grows. Rather you have to make yourself, like you make a box. In regarding yourself as a manufactured box, rather than a growing plant you see yourself as an object, not as a living being…” (3) Dorothy Rowe.
I know now that I need to let go and to let God guide my life as I attempt to live today. Just one day at a time. I pray now that God, or my Higher Power, will not let me get down on myself. Instead the Higher Power will help me become conscious of the fact that the Twelve Steps are truly my steps out of the cell of the prison of my depression.
Each and every living human organism on this earth has five major characteristics that link all life together. Each life organism has an autonomy, a competency, an interconnectedness to others, a self-directedness and an ability to duplicate itself.
We want to control our lives and we are discovering that the best way to guide our lives is to live in the principle of this Higher Consciousness or, the God of our understanding.”
SOURCES: Copyright(c) Higher Thoughts for down days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of Twelve Step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. Page 59. March 22.
Copyright(c) I’ll do it when I feel better. 2nd Edition (2018) Hugh Smith, Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.