Dear Depressed Anonymous Fellowship
I have been depressed for the last sixteen years. The more I learn about depression the more I feel I have been depressed since I experienced a childhood trauma at age of 10.
In early April I found myself, once again, spiraling down into the abyss. I thought “I cannot go thru this again.” I started to cry and I prayed out to my Higher Power for help. I remember saying “Lord, if you lift me or remove me of this depression, I will spend the rest of my life helping depressed people.” I meant it. This was no mere foxhole prayer. No deal making with my Higher Power. This was for real.
I started thinking “there has to be an anonymous program for depression. There are anonymous programs for many other subjects. I kept praying the whole time. I got on the Internet and there it was. It wasn’t easy to find but I kept searching. (Google:
I began to research for meetings in my area or within a 40 mile radius of my home. It really wasn’t easy to find but I kept searching. Much to my chagrin I found nothing.
I purchased the Depressed Anonymous Manual and the Depressed Anonymous Workbook. I started reading the Manual. Started making sense to me. A lot of sense. I have been a member of another 12 step program for over 30 years so the language was familiar to me. I started trying to reach Depressed Anonymous by phone, email and writing a letter. Since I couldn’t go to a meeting I started praying about starting one in my area close to me. I got a response from a DA member within a week and he sent me books and literature on how to start a group. Actually the info is In the Depressed Anonymous Manual.
I started to talk to some friends who are depressed and they said that they were interested and would do anything to help.
One person, Mike, found a meeting room for us. Another person, Bob, he did all of our flyers and meeting information. He even laminated the materials. What a great contribution form both of them. Our first meeting was held in the April of 2015. Turn out was approximately 28 persons. What a great beginning.
We now meet every Tuesday eve in Glenolden, PA. Glenolden is approximately 15 miles south of Philadelphia.
All through this process I kept praying for our Higher Power to guide and protect us. Also prayed for the knowledge of God’s will and the power to carry it out. I felt the presence of my Higher Power every step of the way..
What an incredible experience. We hope to start other groups meetings in the surrounding areas.
Cathy B., of the DA Fellowship in Glenolden, PA.