I know that millions of pieces of sand make up the seashore. I know that many drops of water make the ocean. I also know that many days make up the years of any one’s life. Many pieces and patches make up the quilt. I also know that today is that one piece of my life that I will do all in my power to grow and work myself out of sadness. I have only my one day, this twenty-four hour period to be strong, to study and talk to others in the program as to how I am recovering, by working my Twelve Step Program of recovery. I am excited about the good things that are possible for me when “I let go” of my need to sadden myself.
I am thankful that today I am finding a way out of my depression. First of all, admitting that I am depressed. Secondly, Feeling better knowing that just as there is a cause for my depression, with time and effort, I will gradually the source of my sadness. Day by day, I am finding pieces of the solution due to my recovery efforts.
I am alert to all knowledge that can help free me from my sadness. I do know now that what has happened to me in the past, continues to operate in me now. I am learning how to be aware of these unconscious motivators, which suddenly and inexplicably pop up out of nowhere saddening my self and lowering my mood. These bad actors will gradually be faced and examined as I work through the steps, at my DA discussion meetings, the reading of Depressed Anonymous literature, and my ongoing help from my sponsor. This is a promise.
(C) Higher Thoughts for Down Days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of Twelve Step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. KY.