Depressed Anonymous
1) Educates and informs us about our experience of depression. 2) Nurtures us so that we can begin to share and to trust our unpleasant feelings with others. 3) Accepts us and does not make judgements about our experiences with depression. In other words, we don’t hear “snap out of it” in the group. 4) Teaches coping skills by our frequent meetings and group membership interaction. It provides us with a “toolbox” of new skills we can utilize in our overcoming of sadness. 5) Empowers us to believe that there is truly a way out of our depression. One of the major benefits of our group is you can hear how other persons depressed have made it out of depression. (Read the Personal Stories in Depressed Anonymous). It is clear that the program works best for those who keep coming back to meetings.
There are multiple benefits that come to those of us who are committed to being active participants in our fellowship of Depressed Anonymous. I should know, I am one of the active participants.
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