There is a daily meeting at 12:30 pm ET. There is also a meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm MT / 6:00 pm ET. There are also 2 nightly meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 pm ET. Information on how to get to all of these meetings is available on the link above. I hope to see you at one of those meetings.
I’ve called this warm line so many times at different times and there’s never an answer or, any way to leave a message. We have a great need in our area and I am now looking to start a group here. 40216/40258 area. I just downloaded the E-book and E- workbook. Please reply with info if this page is still active.
Thank you for your interest in starting a DA group in your area. I tried the phone number this morning and evidently, it is not working. The new number for information is 502.447.2013. This phone number is for the Incarnation Catholic Church and is the number you need to call for info on the meeting that has been operating at the parish for a good number of years.
I will call the parish office and get the information that you need for more directions and call you back. My call will hopefully get me the number for the representative who will be your best bet for help. My phone number here is 502.648.4063.
At the present there are no DA meetings in New Zealand. You can get online by going to MEETINGS menu on Home page and then click onto DA Online 12 Step recovery meetings outside the USA. WE have meetings every day of the week–click onto the Journeys of Hope Link and it will take you to the meeting. WE are exactly one day behind you. It is now 4PMET and it will be 4PM New Zealand 4PM New. The Daily meeting is at 12:30PM ET and 11:30PM CT. Each meeting is 1 hour long. Hope to see you at a meeting.
Thee are no DA groups in this area–sorry to say. I think A community Mental Health Ctr in your area would have support programs for you daughter. Thank you for contacting us.
There is a daily meeting at 12:30 pm ET. There is also a meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm MT / 6:00 pm ET. There are also 2 nightly meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 pm ET. Information on how to get to all of these meetings is available on the link above.
You posted this on 4 February at 5:01pm ET. I chaired the meeting on Friday 4 February and it started on time at 12:30pm ET. If you followed the directions earlier in this thread you should have been taken to the meeting.
There is a daily meeting at 12:30 pm ET. There is also a meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm MT / 6:00 pm ET. There are also 2 nightly meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 pm ET. Information on how to get to all of these meetings is available on the link above.
Hello Lida
At the present time there are no DA groups in Montreal. At one time we knew of a group in Toronto. All we can do is to recommend that you use the Home Study Program of DA which includes the DA Manual and also the Workbook. Even though it is not face to face it is a great way to start taking care of yourself and the issues of depression. In time then you may get one other person to go through these self-help books with you and gradually have others join you. Until a group forms around you /or someone actually starts a group I know this is an excellent way to get started.
All the best and please keep in touch. DA
Hi Shane
Believe it or not–no, as far as we know there are no DA groups in this area–we always recommend that you can get a good start by going through the DA Workbook (questions that help you work through your own depression) and the DA Manual. These are the Home Study Program which will at least help you get started on issues surrounding your own depression. The questions in the Workbook help one begin to face what may have brought you down in the first place. Because the Manual has been written by those who have been depressed we feel its a great way to help oneself before a group gets moving.
Hopefully, this gives you a reason to start on your own til a group can be formed.
Thank you and we hope you this info helps until a face to face group can get formed in Sydney.
Hi Shane
Presently, there are no DA groups in Sydney Hopefully you are someone may want top set them up. Please look at our website for more info on starting your own group in Australia. Or you can use the Home Study Program for your own personal use and guidance. Thank you for your interest. DA
Hi Mary
At the present time there are NO meetings in the LA area as far as we know. I wish there were but someone has to want to start a group–and until that person or person s show up the LA is without our 12 step program of recovery.
Since we 12 step we should be more available to a wider population. Hopefully, in time.
Thank you for your interest. And all that you may need to start a group is at our website. Take a look and see if you and others would like to set up a group. All the best to you.
Hi Hugh,
I received the books and material I ordered from you early last week. Thanks for the prompt delivery.
I had my first D.A. Meeting yesterday! Only 3 people, but what a blessed day it was! Made new friends and shared experience, strengths and hopes! Looking forward to next Sunday!
Thanks again and God Bless!
Sounds great. Thank you for the info. We will place them on the net group locations if someone could send me a list of time and places and contacts.
We would like to know more about the meetings there in Culver.
Hello Erica
As far as our records show, we do not have any Depressed Anonymous groups in Michigan–at least not at the present. Sorry. Thank you for inquiring about our program of recovery. Hopefully, someday we’ll have a group started there. All it takes is for one person to get it organized. Two people working together is even better sometimes.
There are no groups at this time in MD. So sorry to tell you that. But there is a lot of material on line at our site here where you might find info that could be of help to you as it is to others.
Please let us know how we might be of help to you in other ways.
I live in MA but I don’t live anywhere near Shrewsbury or Marlboro where your support groups are. I was wondering if you were ever going to come to the south shore of MA? Maybe somewhere around in Plymouth County?
Hi Margaret
At the present time, no plans are being made to establish a group in your location. Hopefully, someday, someone like yourself may want to start a group in your community. In the meantime, our group has a HOME STUDY program that many use till the day when they can usher in their own program.
Yes, our fellowship does Skype and we visit face to face with whole groups and one on one with DA fellowship.
Currently doing Step study with member in Belarus. Also group study with group DA in Iran. SKYPE also has helped us contact group in Russia.
I would be willing to do Step study with you or anyone interested in having a DA meeting online from your country.
Peace be with you. Please contact us if you are interested. My email address is depanon@netpenny. Hugh S
Hi Jody
I will get our tech to get your site on our drop down menu. I tried to get it up on group listings but was unable. It will be up as soon as I can talk to a person more knowledgeable.
God bless your work
Hi Greg
Sorry, but as far as we know we have no listings of a group in or near this area. Maybe you could start you own group. Our website has info on how to get this done. We would help in any way that you would like–we could also refer you to those persons who have started groups and let you know the ins and outs.
Hugh for the fellowship.
And thank you for writing to us and again, we hope you push on for your self and for those with whom you may be able to help.
I live in the UK, South Wales and would like to start aDA group in my town of Port Talbot How do I do this and where do I go for direction and literature. ANY tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I would love info on meetings online? I don’t See meetings in or area, sw Missouri. Can you help me with info about starting meetings? Can you please call me 4175929514. I’d love to talk to someone about getting them around here. I believe my area could use it badly
Please call us at our number 502.553.3404. My name is Hugh and we would be happy to help you find ways to start a group in your area. To get you started you might want to read our ISSUE#! at our Newsletter archives @ Please check the menu to our website for more information on who we are and what we do.
Peace and Hope.
What you would need to start a group in UK is to go to our website at and read each of the menu items and start there. I would recommend that you read ISSUE#1 at our Newsletter archives for more detailed information on how to start a group. You would also do your self a favor by reading the Depressed Anonymous Manual ,3rd edition plus using the DA Workbook, both are available at Depressed Anonymous Publications…and can be purchased online. These two books will be needed if someone wants to operate a well organized Depressed Anonymous meeting. If some one wants to have a sponsor and use our material in a study program with a sponsor you might contact us.
I do hope that you can get started with a group–your people will be grateful they are finding help. Help is in the group. We call it the miracle of the group.
First of all thank you for your message today. To answer your question about a group in the 40241 area–there is none that we are aware of. I wish there could be a group but so far there is none. Hopefully, someday there might be a group in this area.
Sincerely, Hugh
PS There is a group located off Dixie Hwy in Louisville, which meets on Thursday nite. Please go to our website for groups in Kentucky and the address will be listed there with the time of meetings.
Hello Elle
Thank you for your interest in our mutual aid program of recovery, Depressed Anonymous. If you are thinking of an email program where you correspond with a sponsor via email then we might have something that you could find helpful.
This past January 2018 we (Depressed Anonymous) sponsored a Home Study Program of recovery for those persons unable to either find a local meeting or just would like to work the Steps on their own. Presently we are sponsoring 4 individuals who are now engaged in the Home Study email program. (I see where you have downloaded the two books needed for this Home Study program). We are presently open to a few more applicants and if you would like to be part of this please let me know. My name is Dr. Hugh Smith and I have found the email process very beneficial to those involved and committed to using the Workbook in relationship with the DA Manual, 3rd edition.
I am presently working with persons from Nebraska, USA., Tehran, Iran; Netherlands., Belarus, Russia.
The email process is quite straightforward–a participant mails their responses to the Workbook and I respond with a return email. All is strictly confidential. There are no fees or dues. And if you would like to have friend(s) work with you that would be fine.
For any more information please consider reviewing our website or send us a note at [email protected]. Please check out our HOME STUDY PROGRAM info that appears at our drop down menu.
Because the 12 Steps have saved my life, December 7th, 1982, I then founded Depressed Anonymous in 1985. This desire to help those “still suffering from depression” has given me a personal passion to pass on my own experience and those many others who have used the Steps to free themselves from this life threatening illness.
Hope to hear from you and to answer any and all questions which you might have about this program via email.
Dr. Hugh Smith MS., DMin.
I want to thank you Hugh. I have just come across your website and have found huge connection with the content. I have tried to use a couple of other 12 step programmes but they were never a true ‘fit’. I have lived with depression for more years than I like to admit ( I am over 70 now), and although I have sometimes managed to lessen the pain, it has never gone away. I didn’t realise until the age of 35 that it wasn’t normal to have suicidal thoughts, and I’m considered intelligent by most people. I live in Europe and there are no DA groups here, so I would be very interested in having access to an online meeting if someone starts one. In the meantime I await the arrival of the DA Manual and DA Workbook, and have started using the daily Thoughts for Down Days which I had downloaded to my iPad. Again thank you for this site which could be a true life saver to me.
Hello Patricia
So happy that you have found some information that will be helpful to you and your daily living.
I will be in touch with you later on this day. I look forward to visiting with you about some ideas that may be acceptable to you and for your own recovery. I have been at this for many years(I founded DA in 1985) and am always heartened by the response that we receive about our program from around the world. Our Manual has now been published in Russian, Farsi(Iran) and soon into Spanish and then Into Dutch.
We all have so much to give to each other and that is the source of my own recovery as I continue to share with any and all who are suffering from depression.
All the best to you. BTW, I am 78 years young and getting younger (haha).
Hi Patricia
If you are interested in a Home Study Program using our Workbook and Manual please let me know. I haven ongoing sponsorship program for persons desirous of using the Home Study program of recovery. We correspond via eMAils and this works out well. No fees or dues. You will already have the material books which we use and if you would like to use this Home Study program please let me know.
I would be happy to be at your service here if you would like to know more about this program.
“I have tried to use a couple of other 12 step programmes but they were never a true ‘fit’. I have lived with depression for more years than I like to admit ”
***I am in the same boat. I tried to run this program as an Al-Anon member, as an Emotions Anonymous member, and then as a christian-sitting-in-the-pews-member (including Celebrate Recovery, which is basically the 12 steps from a christian perspective).
I just realized this week that AA members have this interesting expression: They don’t ‘front’ sobriety. That expression comes from an addict going up to his dealer and saying, “hey, can you front me a couple of grams”.
What I finally realized is that AA has been fronting ‘sobriety’ for those of us who have a different issue than Alcoholism by saying that you can work your particular issue in their program. But if that were true, there would never have been a Gamblers Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Marijuana Anonymous, Lovers and Sex Addicts Anonymous, etc. It’s easy to front someone else’s ‘sobriety’ because it costs THEM nothing.
Hello Anna
Thank you for your comment and desire to work the Steps with someone. We offer a Home Study Program, where a person interested learning more about the Steps and using them for their own recovery can follow with a Depressed Anonymous Workbook and the Depressed Anonymous manual. 3rd edition. Presently we have three persons using this format. There is a woman 12 Step member in Holland; a woman in US and a group of DA members from a Depressed Anonymous meeting in Iran. All follow our standard approach utilizing communication with me via Emails. The Workbook and the DA Manual are coordinated. Each Step is discussed not only in the Manual but the Workbook questions and the user’s answers to the questions are important components for our personal recovery. My time with participants I consider to be much like the sponsor in the 12 Step fellowship groups. The only charge is for the lesson materials. You can go to the DA Publications Bookstore at our website for ordering procedures. You can order the books as eBooks and download onto your computer (most economical format); Order both as one unit (combo) from our website; or order directly from the Publisher at
My own personal recovery goes back to 1982 when I became part of a 12 Step fellowship. In 1985 I and a few Graduate students designed a program (pilot project) at the University where I was pursuing my Graduate degree. I knew the power of the 12 Steps and so I modeled a program for depression using the Steps. The program now is global.
Please understand that if for whatever reason purchase of our material is not possible know that our Publisher (DAP) will work something out with me. Because there is no charge for my part in this program –sponsors don’t charge anything- (I have had the same sponsor for 15 years and he has never charged me a dime—he better not or I’d fire him.) There are no fees or dues–ever…at the meetings or in sponsorship.
Just a concern that I want to mention to you Anna: that there is work involved in getting free of depression. The program will take time, a commitment and prayer. But you will find that by facing yourself and doing self reflection exercises, with DA Book and Workbook used faithfully, good things will happen for you.
Please take a look at our website at and examine the various menus on our home page. I have written more than 700 blogs and we publish Newsletters which is a good thing to look at if you want to be part of this journey.
If you have questions, please write to me at [email protected] and I will try to answer questions as best I can. Sometimes I use SKYPE for those who like f2f contact. Members in Russia, Iran, Malaysia, Ukraine and USA use SKYPE. As you probably know, the world is a very depressed place in which to live. Depression knows no boundaries, no race, culture or religion.
So, if interested in our program, contact me here or email me at our address [email protected]. Thank you for your interest.
My name is Hugh S., MS., DMin. Hoping to hear back from you when you like.
Hi Hugh
Are you going to contact me and tell me how to start using the Home Study group? I would be interested in this as there seems to be nothing available here in the way of physical groups where I live.
Thank you, Patricia
Hi Pat
Yes, I am going to contact you. Please go to our website at and click onto menu item which says Home Study Program. It is here that you will gain some more information on how to go about this process. Basically, what it is, is a collaboration between me and the participant in this valuable process.
The participant, you, and my self, exchange emails with each other pertaining to your work with the Depressed Anonymous Workbook, coordinated with the DA manual.
You begin this process by starting with Step #1 in Manual and then answering the questions in the Workbook that pertains to Step #1 and your own personal experiences with depression.
The point here is that I am not correcting a student’s paper, but with your responses from the Workbook and I add my own personal experiences to yours and we both benefit from our continuing correspondence with each other.
Right now I am working with two other persons who are engaged in this Home Study process(they have no groups where they live) –and one DA group in Iran who are Depressed members.
Basically, I serve as a sponsor, with those persons who like to have some support in helping them through the tough times of depression.
So, Pat this is basically the process. You can take your time and together we both can learn more about living and dealing with depression.
Hoping to hear from you and how you would like to proceed. The process is confidential.
I’ve suffered from depression most of my adult life and feel alone. It would be great to be in a group with others who have been there. Are there any meetings in San Diego or San Diego North County? Are there any meetings online?
Hi Tina
Sorry to say, there are no groups in your area and there are no online groups. We do have a Home Study program where a member of DA helps a participant go through the Depressed Anonymous Manual and the Workbook online. This process is achieved by emails between the participant and the sponsor.
It’s a meeting nevertheless between two people (albeit small). We do work with an Iranian DA group, as they go through the Steps. They have been in the process of translating the Workbook–they’ve finished translating the Manual. It’s an approach that works for those who want to try the Home Study process of using the Steps in their own lives. The process is accomplished with emails.
You can read more about this program at our website and then decide if this might be for you. The main books can be downloaded as Ebooks.
Thank you for writing and I am sorry there are no groups near you. Hugh
Cordial saludo. Les escribo desde la ciudad de Medellin, Colombia. Actualmente teneos el deseo de abrir un grupo de 12 pasos para la recuperación de la Depresión. Para Nosotros es de Vital importancia. Les solicitamos muy comedidamente nos puedan orientar para la apertura de un grupo en nuestra ciudad. Necesitamos Literatura y queremos saber por favor como obtenerla.
Quedamos atentos a su pronta respuesta.
Muchas Gracias
Jorge Camero A.
Best regard. I am writing from the city of Medellin, Colombia. Currently you have the desire to open a group of 12 steps for the recovery of the Depression. For us it is of vital importance. We ask you very kindly to guide us to open a group in our city. We need Literature and we want to know how to obtain it.
Best regard. I am writing from the city of Medellin, Colombia. Currently you have the desire to open a group of 12 steps for the recovery of the Depression. For us it is of vital importance. We ask you very kindly to guide us to open a group in our city. We need Literature and we want to know how to obtain it.
Hello Barbara
There is a Depressed Anonymous phone(SKYPE) International group which recently formedon on 11/4, 2018.The meeting time is 10:30 est Sundays. English is the spoken language.
The email to participate at SKYPE is [email protected]. If you have any further questions please email me at [email protected]. I intend to write back to you with any information which you will need.
My name is Marlene, from Portugal, depressed. I would like to start going to online meetings and work the program. However I’m not being able to find the online meetings schedules. I was wondering if you could help me out with this?
Hello Marlene
Thank you for your post. At the present we are trying to get something going where we could operate an online International Depressed Anonymous group. SP far, we are still in the talking stage. The group when it gets up and running will be based on other 12 step group which operate online and are international. These are the Al-Anon, AA, Codep groups plus others. The person in charge of trying to get this moving is in Netherlands and I will be contacting her this evening. I am in the US. So please be patient and til something happens, you can either enroll in our Home Study program of recovery plus reading past DA Newsletters and Blogs at our website ALl of which will give you some ideas for your own recovery and feelings of hope.
I do thank you for your interest, and knowing that you are depressed presently, I do hope that you keep us informed of your needs and questions needed answering. My best thought for you is that there is hope.
I do think Portugal might have others who might be experiencing depression and possibly you might gather some together, using our Manual and see the improvement that can happen when the steps are applied to one’s life and environment.
All the best to you, and yours. Also, by reading some of the past issues of the DA Newsletter you can get a more full idea of who we are and what we do.
Hugh S.
Hello Lili
There are no groups of Depressed Anonymous in these areas as far as we know. I do know this: No Depressed Anonymous requires a fee for any of its services-(I’ve have been with this group for over 30 years. I founded it). We offer an online group Home study for those who wish to start studying the Steps on their own when there is no group in their area. These Home Study groups are sponsored by a member of Depressed Anonymous by means of communicating with emails. Presently we have five individuals being guided by a sponsor–Some who live in other countries. Again, our group which is based on the Spiritual Principles of the Twelve Steps of AA know how effective it’s use is to those who are suffering from depression. So, if you are interested in the Home Study please let us know. Twelve step support groups are free.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hugh [email protected].
This website lists meetings as a service to local groups, but we do not control whether those meetings continue to run. We can only update the website if we are given correct information. At the time that page was written the San Jose meeting was still being held. Sorry I can’t be more specific.
Many of the above comments are asking about meetings. I too would like to attend a meeting in my area. Cypress Texas 77433. Near Houston. When you are so depressed taking a bath is a battle, it is almost too much to attempt help when what you are looking for isn’t there. Maybe it’s just me.
Hi Bonnie
Thank you for your recent letter to us about Depressed Anonymous Groups in your area. The only DA group so far that we know is located in Texas is the DA group at The Colony in the Ft. Worth-Dallas area. Their mailing address is: The Colony, The Colony ER Center, 4780 ST HWY 121, The Colony, Texas, 75056. Their email address is [email protected]. The contact there is Tom M. Please give them a message and hopefully they can find something that would be closer to you and would better meet your needs.
We hope that more groups were available but maybe someday there will be. But we can only do so much. If someone wants to start a group we are there to help them as much as we can. I do hope that you keep in touch. Hugh S.
Thank you for your request. Yes, there is a group near you at Shrewsbury, MA. Please go to the website menu and click onto Groups IN US. Go to Massachusetts menu and there you will find time and location for meeting time. Good luck!
Sorry to say, that at the present time there are no groups in this area . Hopefully, someday. In the meantime you might want to take a look at a Home Study Kit which would enable you to go through all the Steps with a commentary. All these are written by persons who were depressed.
Thank you for thinking of us.
Greetings. We want to know if they have the Spanish version of the literature. we are attentive to your confirmation to start a group in our city, we are a group of people interested in a solution to depression from the 12 steps. Thank you so much. Jorge
Greetings. We want to know if they have the Spanish version of the literature. we are attentive to your confirmation to start a group in our city, we are a group of people interested in a solution to depression from the 12 steps. Thank you so much. Jorge
Hola Jorge
We are in the process of publishing our main Book Depressed Anonymous. The author(translator)of the translation from English to Spanish hopes to have the translation finished at the beginning of the New Year 2019.At that time we will send it to our publisher and begin printing the first edition of the Spanish version.
But I believe that I have corresponded with you before and happy to hear from you once again. We will keep your name, address on file onbce our book is ready for publication. Keep up the good work and hope!!!
Hi Amy
Thanks for the note and inquiry re Depressed Anonymous and starting a group in your community. I would recommend that you go to the MENU at and check out the menu titles. There are a number of issues that you would find helpful in getting a group started. First of all, you might want to look and read the FAQ plus the Newsletters Archive. There you will read info on how to start a group. There is a meeting format sample in our Big Book Depressed Anonymous. It sows the group meeting program and how to direct a meeting. There are so many topics that you will find interesting and very helpful.
I heartily recommend reading Depressed Anonymous as that will give you a good idea of who we are and what we try to accomplish with our mutual help group. This book has been written and put together by members of Depressed Anonymous. We all have been depressed and using our experience to talk about our personal stories of recovering utilizing the Twelve Steps.
Basically Amy you would do yourself a favor by looking at all the material we have to offer and see how you might want to incorporate that into your own life and go from there. Also, I write a BLOG which you might like to follow.
So, there you have it–a small piece of the picture–but if you want to continue I will be happy to work with you as you move forward in that desire to help others free themselves from the potentially life threatening malady we call depression.
If you would like to write to us–please feel free and we can see where we can go from there. Looking forward to hearing from you again.
Our mailing address is [email protected].
Hi Lori
Thank you for the offer to get a Depressed Anonymous mutual aid group started. We all know the world–every community needs support to deal with the life threatening reality we call depression.
About your question if there is a fellowship in Toronto–yes, there was about 10 years ago. But I have not heard of a group in recent years. Sometimes groups just start up and we don’t hear about it so as to post it on our website.
We will be more than happy to help you get a group started. You are the fourth person who have written to us this week looking to start a group in their community.
If you want to learn more about who we are and what we do–please look at our Website at It is the menu that can give you an idea of what we are about. I would ask that you read as many of the items located on the menu that you can. Since I try and write a blog every couple of days we now have at least over 800 article that you can read. Also, on how to start a group you would do well to access the Newsletter Archives for more information on our organization which is peer led and operates with the 12 spiritual steps of AA as our guide. We have adapted these steps to the reality of depression and find that for many it happens to work its miracle.
Lori, please start there at the Menu and see what you can find out and if it fits what you are looking for.
Also, we have two major works, written by people like myself, who have suffered depression and began living the life of the steps.
Our Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore can offer you a great variety of topics on how to deal with depression and gather the tools that can help the depressed be free from the prison of depression. The group is the power and the fellowship provides the freedom to not be isolated and alone.
What I can do, is after the Holidays next week, I will contact you again, and spell out some ideas of the how to start a group..
I have been working with the depressed for over 30 years and thanks to the STEPS, SPONSORSHIP, AND MEETINGS I have been sober and clean all these years and I find my passion is doing with you what I do with those many people looking for some help and getting started on founding their own support group.
Looking to hear more from you on what you would be willing to do to help others.
I’m from Russia and I’d really like to join a DA group but there is any in my area.
I try to study 12 steps by myself but, it’s difficult. I’ve started to write the 1st step (using the book and workbook), but I don’t realize how to do this correctly.
So, I’m writing to you in the hope that you can help me to find an english-speaking sponsor (or maybe even russian-speaking) who can help me to study the steps.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
I have been reading DA for a little over a year now and absolutely love looking forward to new readings and have grown I must say in many ways due to it. However, since becoming ready to step out into this big ol world and join a DA, Ive discovered there isn’t any to be found in my entire state. I live in Knoxville Tennessee and we have about any kind of ‘A’ you can think of but nothing for DA members or even anxiety meetings! I’ve tried the AA and NA and about any other ‘A’ meeting in town hoping to connect on some level and get anything from it or even offer something at the least to someone else. Sadly, and surprisingly it just isn’t that easy for a woman in DA to find meaning or even purpose to be in a Narcotic Anonymous meeting (if that makes sense). So, for about a year and a half I have been simply following and reading online and commenting as led to do so. If you or anyone has any suggestions or know of any outside groups that I’m not finding , please feel free to send my way! Thank you so much for your time!
Searching and hoping in Knoxville Tennessee,
Hi Mylinda
I sent a reply to your mailbox. I had not read your 2nd comment at the time until now. I do hope to respond later. I hope that you might share with others that we are here–regardless of a f2f group in Knoxville –others will be inspired to follow us here at this site. Women in Holland and Portugal have set up an international online DA group. If you would like information in this online group please let us know and I will send an email to the leader. AS you and I know, depression is definitely a global problem–epidemic in fact.
What is possible is for a group of persons to gather together and go through the Steps together. Persons in one country do this recovery program as a group–actually it turns out to be a Depressed Anonymous group.
The possibilities for recovery are limitless. Check out the Newsletter Archives at our site and you can find more about who we are and what we do. We are not alone.
BTW–I like “grit and grace.” Super!
Because of lack of sponsors we pass 12 steps with my “online DA called sister” together reading book and workbook, talking in Skype, watching some videos, trying some prays meditations, and discussions.
Our progress is really good.
But sometimes there are some strange side effects on 3rd and 4st step
1) Is it Ok to pass DA in pair without sponsor and what are safety regulations?
2) We use quite a lot of AA literature to understand 12 steps. Is that ok for you
3) Could we share our experience to our depressed brothers and sisters?
Hi Sergey
Thanks for the mail. Good to hear that DA is operative in Russia and starting to grow. I hope that you all do what you can to bring serenity and peace to many of your fellow countrymen. Every nation needs to find serenity in our program of recovery. As you and I know, depression is of epidemic proportions globally. It is when persons like yourself who get together and support each other that good things begin to happen. Thank you for your group bringing hope to those who are “Still suffering. Please let us know if we can help in anyway whatsoever. By the way, are you familiar with the Russian translation and publication of DA manual? Let me know.
Secondly, because I do not understand Russian, in 1) Question to me I do not understand the question. What does the question refer to when the word “pass” is used. If it means study, I see no problem. You can still discuss Steps without sponsor. It’s best to have a sponsor–but no sponsor–study anyway. Safety regulations? Why this? You can help me here.
2) Use whatever works for you and your recovery. Many of our members come to program because of the 12 Steps that they learned and used in AA. In fact I used a quote from Bill W., at my BLOG. Take a look. We all are standing on the shoulders of giants–Dr. Bob., and Bill W.
3)Isn’t this the idea–to “carry the message” to those who are still suffering from depression. Step 12 says it all!!
So, Sergey, tell your own story–tell them what life was before DA or AA or whatever 12 Step program you are involved with and then how your life is now that you are living the Step life. People are looking for hope–you have it–don’t hide it–share it. Be a light for those who are living in despair and hopelessness.
I am so happy that you wrote–I had no idea that you were out there. I am working with someone from Russia doing a Step study. At one time I gave SKYPE interview with Elias Tee in SIberia. Quite a nice experience. I believe he was directing a treatment facility and I got to meet some of his membership via SKYPE. Do you know of Elias.
Keep in touch and may God bless all you good people–doing good for each other.
Hugh S.
Hi Hugh
God bless you and thanks a lot for answer.
Explanation of “safety regulation”:
I follow “primum non nocere” principle.
I had really strange experience:
– a little madness on step 3rd when I tried to listen to Lord – I received pretty strange advice to punch somebody etc.
– loosing concentration on step 4st – I had hundreds of opposite wishes and couldn’t make a choice
I solved that by meditation and Prayer of the Optina Elders, but I’m really don’t know what to do if somebody else have such experience except my DA partner.
I could save my “DA partner”, but I’m not sure what is necessary to do for the rest.
In Russian live groups people are supported by someone called “Going first”, but I don’t know how much steps were actually done by me.
My question is: How could I understand that?
I know only that now I have ability to hope, to suffer, to forgive, to love, to work and live without fear.
I’m Sergey K from Russian Speakers online DA sector.
If you remember, I asked some questions on Depressed Anon site concerning passing DA in pair with my “called sister” without sponsor.
It seems that I already have a “spiritual awakening” from 5th of december and good remission in 2 month and my sister is on step 4 in a month.
I’ve shared my experience as you adviced me.
People from Russian Speakers online DA are impressed but can’t believe it, me sometimes too.
They started to ask me for supporting them.
I could have nice private life and spend all my time for me (and supporting my “DA sister” of course) but there are around 100-150 people online and no sponsors.
I talked to different people from DA and other 12 steps program whom I trust and they are experienced sponsors and they say that I can do the sponsorships.
Last person who I talked was provider of DA International Online Skype Meeting. She also confirmed my quess that if there is no sponsors, best way is to do 12 steps in pair.
Could we talk a bit via voice (Skype) concerning that?
Thanks a lot
Sergey K.
Hi Amanda
There is an International Skype group meeting that meets on Sundays. You can get the address on our blog here at WP. The meeting is in English. You might try that. I don’t know your State but you might look at the drop down menu on website for DA in USA. It lists all the States where DA is located. Other than that, that is about it. Sorry to say.
We will be having another Webinar at the end of March sponsored by Russian DA groups–it is in English. I will be offering this program.
Have you thought about using the Home Study Program Kit. That is a do it yourself with a sponsor provided by Depressed Anonymous. It’s offline and emails are the communication tools. like long distance learning. We use the DA manual and the Da workbook for our program. If you would like more information please let me know. ([email protected])
I would also recommend the blog at this site as well as the items on the DA Menu Home page. There is an item FAQ which might help answer questions that you might have about who we are and what we do.
Thank you again, and sorry I could not be of more help as to group meetings close to you.
Hope, God (as you understand him) helps you today 🙂
My name is Sergey K, we communicated around a year ago if you remember a couple of webinars for Russian people.
Also, I sometimes visit International Skype Intergroup, you could ask people here about me.
On behalf of Russian International Skype Intergroup “DA Online (DA-O)”, I kindly ask you to place the information about our intergroup on the following links.
if that’s possible.
Russian International Skype Intergroup “DA Online (DA-O)”
Several Skype meetings per day, 24/7 support chats, DA speeches audiochannel
Detail info is on
Our schedule and links are changed quite often, so it would be nice to still place link to shedule on site
Russian International Skype Intergroup “DA Online (DA-O)”
Several Skype meetings per day, 24/7 support chats, DA speeches audiochannel
Detail info is on
Is that possible to contact you via email, Skype, WhatsApp to discuss that?
Thanks a bunch for the contract/license for the permission to publish. I hope to get some information from you/Maksym about what you are wanting to publish in Russian. My concerns now are with copyright and WIPO regs. I am in process of seeking advice on best ways to proceed with our relationship, specifically in regard with the publication of Depressed Anonymous Third edition of Depressed Anonymous, the Depressed Anonymous Workbook and the Higher Thoughts for Down Days book. If these are to be published in Russian, we do need the written permission of the publisher, and the provisions of copyright law to protect both parties.
So, please, I am continuing with information to make this arrangement a good one for your DA groups in Ukraine and Russia.
I do respect the letters from the Russian medical professions, as in AA., concerning the subject of depression. If it is possible, I would like to read these in English.
I know of Maksym’s professional expertize in translating and respect his attention to details such a s references to books cited. I was especially happy to see that he had permission to reprint, in Russian, Dorothy Rowe’s work, Depression: The way out of your prison(2nd edition).
I need a contact or meeting zoom for a spouse of a adict to depression and codependency
I my self im alcoholic and my family has been help doing the support meeting
Hi. I have a friend who has been seriously struggling with depression and other things. She has decided to confide in me but wants to keep it between us. I’d like to find out if there are any groups near us: MS. Preferably around the Holly Springs area. I think this could be good for her. Thanks
There is a Skype meeting every day at 12:30 pm Eastern time listed at the above link. There are also other meetings throughout the week that are also listed there.
Some face to face meetings are still taking place however. I would suggest you refer to the following link to see if there are meetings in your locale. If there is a contact listed for the meeting I would suggest that you reach out to them and determine if the meeting is occurring face to face.
My daughter 17 has severe depression and suicidal thoughts everyday. We live in zip code 91320. I did not see any meetings in this area and not sure how to find a sponsor or someone for her to speak with. Please help.
Hello, yesterday I sent you a message and indicated that you need to get help for your daughter today if she is having suicidal thoughts. Since there are no DA meetings in your area of California, please contact a mental health professional or go to a hospital emergency room so that she can have an evaluation and receive the help that she needs. I hope to hear from you soon and hoping that she is getting help.
Hugh S., for the fellowship of Depressed Anonymous
Have tried to reach out to Dallas, TX, DA group via their supplied email and have had no response.
I would like to initiate a DA group in Amarillo, TX, but want to sit in on a session or two to get familiar with function and group protocol.
Do you have any other contact info for the group in Dallas?
Thanks, Dan Carter
Sorry for not replying sooner. The best way for you to understand how a meeting is run is to attend one of the on line meetings. Go to: and there is information on a daily meeting at 12:30pm ET, a Tuesday evening meeting at 7:30pm ET, and a Sunday afternoon meeting at 4:00pm MT.
This is Melonie and I am a professional photographer and illustrator.
I was confused, frankly speaking, when I recognised my images at your web-site. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s license, you should know that you could be sued by the creator.
It’s not legal to use stolen images and it’s so wicked!
Check out this document with the links to my images you used at and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my ownership.
Download it right now and check this out for yourself:
If you don’t remove the images mentioned in the document above during the next couple of days, I’ll file a complaint on you to your hosting provider informing them that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.
And if it is not enough, trust me I am going to take it to court! And I will not bother myself to let you know of it in advance.
I would like to comply with your request but you haven’t mentioned which picture in particular you would like us to remove. The link you provided in your comment a 404 error page: Not found. I’m not going to remove all pictures from my site. You need to be specific regarding which picture you want us to remove. I will gladly remove it once I get specifics.
Hello, I’m Roman depressivny from Russia, Moscow. Can you share your experience, how can the Moscow community officially join you, and what is needed for this?
Hello Roman–Thank you for your letter of inquiry about Depressed Anonymous. The Moscow community can join us everyday on SKYPE, where we host a Depressed Anonymous meeting. We hope that the DA community in Moscow can join us. WE will also be sharing online via Skype an international Depressed Anonymous Conference with Russian and Iranian DA programs participating.
If I remember rightly, your Moscow group participated in a Webinar session that I attended a few years back. It was a great experience to be with you all.
In order for you to participate in our daily SKYPE program, the following will provide a link that will give you entrance to our site and hour-long group program. This program, in USA time zone is EDT 12:30PM -1:30PM. It is also available CDT from 11:30 PM -12:30 PM. I don’t exactly know what time this would be in Moscow Standard time –but hopefully you will be able to get to a meeting soon.
There will be an international Depressed Anonymous Virtual Conference on Saturday and Sunday. This would be an excellent way for you to hear and experience members of DA share their experiences, strengths and hope with other members of our fellowship. I will be sharing my own experiences with the group as well. I will be one of the participants who will share at 20-0100 Moscow Standard time Saturday.
You can email me anytime and I will respond as soon as I can and possibly set up a Skype meeting with you for more information.
Greetings Martin and welcome to the Depressed Anonymous Website.
And thank you for your interest in our mutual aid 12 step recovery program of Depressed Anonymous.
Please click on the Green Item (Homepage menus) here on the website for MEETINGS. There is a drop-down menu where you can click on to Online Meetings and there you will find A meeting time for The Depressed Anonymous Journey of Hope, which meets every day of the week. The password for this Zoom meeting is hope.
The time of this meeting every day is USA EDT 12:30 and US CST Central ST. Please arrive at the ZOOM meeting site 15 minutes before the meeting starts and the Chair will ask you to click on the JOIN button. You will then be in the meeting. Press your mike to talk or read and Mute to silence the mike. You can turn on the Camera or not turn it on.
There are two other meetings scheduled during the week on Wednesdays and Tuesdays. The times are at 7:30 PM EDT and 6:3o PM CST. The Wednesday group meeting is for those who wish to discuss topics that interest the group and the Tuesday is a regular DA meeting.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here again. And, we welcome you at our mutual help meetings.
Please let us know of your location and we can let you know if there are meetings in you are. If not then we can advise you of our online meetings. You can also locate Online meetings at the drop-down MEETINGS on the Website Home Page. The name of our group is Depressed Anonymous-Journey of Hope. We use ZOOM for our online meetings and what you need is the password /hope.
These meetings are every day at 12:30 PM EDT and CST at 11:30PM.
Hi Tara
At the present time, there are no face-to-face Depressed Anonymous groups in your area. I would suggest that you look at the online meetings listed here at the Depressed Anonymous website. There you will find a listing of all the daily online meetings via Zoom. Please click onto the Home Page and then scroll to the MEETINGS menu item and you will find DA meetings online in the US and outside the US and the times that these meetings are scheduled. These meetings are open to anyone seeking to quit saddening themselves.
You can discover how many of us had to start somewhere, be it a face-to-face group or online. Our meetings at Depressed Anonymous—A Journey of Hope you will find the daily meetings are scheduled at 11:30 AM CST and 12:30 PM EDT. Please check out the various time zones at the MEETINGS site.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about our mutual aid groups. We will be happy to hear from you.
Hugh, for the fellowship.
Thank you for your inquiry about Depressed Anonymous.
I am not satisfied with your Russian branch! We have chat for them who need help right now, I wrote there about my struggle for health and a really hard day today, some woman called Olga in orthodox clothes wrote me I must pray. When I refused, she wrote “f**k y*u, go on annoying, stupid loser”. I can prove it, I made screenshot before she deleted her messages.
Another one chat was not friendly too. I wrote I can’t sleep and some woman (her name was also Olga with another phone number) killed me with the very first words – ” you must be drug addict”!!!
Thus, I can’t help myself and I can’t find anyone who can help me.
I also will provide you our delegate’s email address, so that you can contact him immediately. We are so sorry that this outrageous situation has happened to you and we will see that the Russian DA Leadership will address this outrageous behavior from a group in Russia.
Please contact us if there may be any difficulty with your efforts. Our apologies on behalf of all our groups, in Russia and wherever are groups are located.
Thank you for alerting us to this serious breach of respect for you and your need at the time.
Hugh S., for the fellowship
Are the online meetings still being held? I am on zoom and on the phone line waiting for the daily one right now, it is 15 minutes after the start time and no one is on. Please help. I was really looking forward to this.
I just noticed that there is the “error 500” appearing on some of your website pages. I’m pretty positive that those types of errors won’t be appreciated by your customers and you are basically losing money as a result, plus they can significantly reduce the number of clicks from Google.
I’ve decided to help and created the document for you with a few screenshots of errors and also indicated the links to the pages where they appear, hope it helps.
Hello Michael
Thank you for your message this morning. We will examine your observations about the “error 500” notice and see how this may be fixed on our end.
Again, appreciate your concern.
Good News! Welcome to our website and fellowship information center. We are happy to hear that there is a meeting (ZOOM)in Los Angeles. Please send information about this meeting to us at [email protected]. We will add it to our Depressed Anonymous meetings that are ZOOM, online, and located in the US.
With gratitude
Hugh S
Just a short note to let you know that we have not been in contact with the LA group for two or three years. The contact has also been unavailable. If and when we get more information we will contact, you.
In the meantime, you can reach us at the daily online Depressed Anonymous Zoom meeting. There also are meetings at night which you can attend. To find out more about how to access these meetings, please go to our website at and click on the green MEETINGS drop down menu. You can locate all ZOOM meetings in USA online or f2f groups, depending on location. There is also a listing of groups outside of USA.
If you may be needing more assistance, please contact [email protected].
Hugh S., for the fellowship
Please remove the following meeting from the directory.
Community Services Building
Room D-155
630 Janet Ave, Lancaster, PA 17601
Enter through entrance “I”; go left and follow to end of hall; turn right and follow to the end of the hall. D-155 is to the right across from restrooms
Time: Monday’s 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
For more information Call or Text Lori @ 717-606-9902
I am no longer able to host and waiting for another person to start it back up.
Thank you,
Hugh here. Thank you for the post about the meeting in Lancaster not meeting anymore. Thank you for the many times when you did the service of hosting the DA meetings in Lancaster. I will give you a call soon and will look forward to visiting with you about your work with the group there.
I will pass this message along and have our DA Tech remove the Lancaster group information from the directory.
Again, thank you for service for those who suffer.
Thank you for your letter and inquiry about DA meetings near you. At the present time there do not appear to be any DA meetings in the Huron, Michigan area. But, we do offer online meetings which are available to those who have a computer and internet. There is a daily Zoom online International DA meeting. Also, there are DA group meetings offered three rimes during the week. You are welcome to attend these meetings. The only thing necessary for you to qualify to be a member is the desire to stop saddening oneself. Meetings are open and you can share at the meeting s if you like, or you can attend and listen to the meeting shares of the participants.
For your information, you can find directions on how to access these online ZOOM DA meetings.
First go to our DA website at Here at the homepage, click onto the Menu item MEETINGS. This “drop-down” menu will offer you meeting choices for ongoing face to face meetings around the world. This would include US meetings, listed by States.
The second offering is for DA group meetings which are to be found online, using ZOOM for meetings. This would be useful for you, as there are no face-to-face meetings in your area. Please click onto Zoom meetings online FOR THOSE IN USA and then scroll down the list where you will come to THE JOURNEYS OF HOPE DAILY DA MEETING SCHEDULE. Click onto the link, which can lead you to the meeting, and where you will be able to join a LIVE group meeting. The time for these meetings are 11:30AM CDT and 12:30 PM EDT. When you are asked to join the meeting, you will find your way into an ongoing meeting. When you do get to the meeting you will be able to download information about the DA group, becoming familiar and comfortable with its format, being able to navigate to those areas there which you may be interested in personally.
I do want to welcome you to our program of recovery and hope that you will find the same source of strength and hope that so many of us have found and use for our own recovery from depression.
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] where I will be most happy to answer questions that you might have.
Hello dear DA-members, thank you very much for your valuable and important work! I live in Finland and i want to set up a group in Finland with my comrades. The DA community would be the first here in Finland! We are very excited! Now there are a lot of questions..
1. Are we free to translate all your English texts to the Finnish language, and start recovering here in Finland in DA groups (Skype, etc.) ?
2. Would we get as many clear instructions as possible from you, and would I get some kind of “starter pack” for our first DA group in Finland for free?
For example, you can send all the necessary advice, support, and experience, etc., to us by e-mail: [email protected]
Thank you very much for your help! Greetings from Finland
Thank you for your letter. I have sent an email to you yesterday evening. I also thank you for your response to that letter this
We will contact you later today (Tuesday) on ways to begin preparing for your own Depressed Anonymous program in Finland. A good start would be to attend a live Depressed Anonymous meeting at 11:30AM CDT or 12:30PM EDT time. The title of our Zoom daily DA program is Journeys of Hope. You can find the link to that program at Menu MEETINGS and scroll down to Online ZOOM meetings outside the USA. Then click onto Journeys of Hope Daily Depressed Anonymous meetings. The link will take you directly to our live meeting. Then click onto the Green button at screen, and it will ask you to join meeting. Click onto that and a host will open the meeting up to you.
That’s it. And thank you, for your interest in our mutual aid group, Depressed Anonymous .
Hugh, for the fellowship
I’m writing from UK! Have thought for a while that I’d really benefit from an equivalent to the AA, but for depression/anxiety. I don’t think there is a group in the UK, which is a shame. I think nearest equivalent would be one of the daily zoom meetings, which I think would be 4.30 pm UK time?
Sarah, it would be 5:30pm in the UK for most of the year except for the few weeks where the UK and North American Daylight Savings Time don’t line up.
Use Google – it is your friend. Enter the search “What is 12:30pm ET in the UK”. You’ll get the answer you’re looking for. Say you move to Greece then you would enter the search “What is 12:30pm ET in Greece?”
It’s the “teach a person to fish” adage in real life use.
Just a note to let you know that I have received your letter and will do what I can to help. It is good to hear from Australia and to let you know that there is a Depressed Anonymous already established in your country. I will see how we might get you together –virtually–and see how we can all three work together to get you started.
You can expect a message from me tomorrow. I want to welcome you into our global fellowship. We also are online everyday. Please check this out: go to our website at and at the Home Page click onto MEETINGS drop down menu and find DA meetings outside USA. Look for ZOOM meetings and follow the link for Journey of Hope meetings. That is the daily meeting place. And there are meetings almost every evening.
The meetings are Ct, 11:30-12:30 and ET 12:30-1:30Pm. I will check on time differential between our countries.
I am sending you the info which you requested the way to start a DA group. One has already been established, I am going to send data to you via your email address. The person who initiated this group is from Sydney and has a zoom address and she is listed ion Facebook, so you can also contact her there.
Hope that you reconnect with us–just in case you cannot reach this person or peons.
Hi there…I really struggle with depression and am based in the Uk-would anyone know of an online English speaking meeting please I can access in the afternoon or evening GMT (Uk time)?
Hi Jilly
Yes, there is a daily DA 12 step meeting on ZOOM, starting at 12:30PM ET and going for 1 hour. Please go to Meetings menu on the DA website(, Click onto ONLINE ZOOM Meeting menu, and click onto DA ONLINE ZOOM meetings outside USA and the meeting place is at Journeys of Hope with a link to the meeting site. Click Join meeting, and you will be able to join the meeting live. You can also join the meeting @ 11:30AM-12:30PMCT.
Hope to see you at a meeting. Thank you for thinking of us.
Hugh S.
Hi there…I really struggle with depression and am based in the Uk-would anyone know of an online English speaking meeting please I can access in the afternoon or evening GMT (Uk time)?
We will be sending info to your mail box for meeting time, password and Member ID for our Dep-Anon family group. We are online using ZOOM. At the present time, there are no face to face groups–only virtual online meetings.
Hope to see you Monday.
Hugh S.
At this time, there are no Depressed Anonymous meetings in Orlando, Florida. Please, check again, at another time, in case we do have a group starting in your community. And, thank you for contacting us.
Hugh S., for the fellowship
At this time, there are no Depressed Anonymous meetings in Orlando, Florida. Please, check again, at another time, in case we do have a group starting in your community. And, thank you for contacting us.
Hugh S., for the fellowship
Hello Nancy
Here is the information that you have been looking for:
12 Step Dep-Anon recovery program for family and friends of the depressed.
Mondays at 2PM ET.
Meeting ID: 846 6885 1123
Password: serenity (small caps)
My name is Fernando, and I’m a depressed in recovery. I live in a village called Figueiro in the District of Porto in Portugal.
There are no DA meetings near me.
I do participate in meetings regularly with other members via the Zoom App in meetings in Brazil, in the United States, and in France.. I have a temporary sponsor.
I am praying to be led to another depressed who is willing to hear my story. If you get any inquiries from Portugal, please refer them to me.
My native language is Portuguese. I speak English and French as well.
In the meantime, I continue these meetings regularly via Zoom, and I continue to recover one day at a time.
God bless you for your good work !
Yours in sobriety,
Fernando Mickaël T. living in Porto District, in Portugal
“Concedei-me Senhor, serenidade para aceitar coisas que não posso modificar, coragem para modificar coisas que posso, e sabedoria para distinguir coisas umas das outras.”
Are there multiple zoom and or conference calls through out the day each day ? Or is there only 1 meeting a week ? Or is there 1 meeting a month ?
Like AA, they have meetings around the clock and zoom connects internationally.
Join us everyday at the Depressed Anonymous Journeys of Hope meetings on zoom. Two meetings are listed everyday. Join us at the links found at: Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings
My self pawan from India AA member sober hard core alcoholic from last 10 years
From childhood I am different living in fantasy,shy, dreamer,not able to express my feelings
I suffered lot from anxiety or dipression
I took medication in initial of my recovery (prozac) for one year
But i always fell some sort of emptyness in my life ,anger issue, felling whole day dippression, laziness,etc
But I am recovering
Please help
My English is poor is there any Indian member who help me to understand program
There are several members from India that attend meetings regularly. There are at least 2 online meetings every day. Please refer to page: Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings.
We want to read a prayer at the beginning of the day at a meeting of one official group.
Initially, this prayer belongs to the Christian denomination. However, we see that it has a deep meaning and that there is no information about Christianity in the text.
Some community members believe that it is a violation of the traditions of 12-step communities to read prayers of religious denominations at meetings.
Do you have anything to tell us in response? Please share your experience.
Prayer of the Optina elders
O Lord, grant that I may meet all that this coming day brings to me with spiritual tranquility. Grant that I may fully surrender myself to Thy holy Will.
At every hour of this day, direct and support me in all things. Whatsoever news may reach me in the course of the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that all is subject to Thy holy Will.
Direct my thoughts and feelings in all my words and actions. In all unexpected occurrences, do not let me forget that all is sent down from Thee.
Grant that I may deal straightforwardly and wisely with every member of my family, neither embarrassing nor saddening anyone.
O Lord, grant me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events that take place during it. Direct my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to be patient, to forgive, and to love.
Alena, I am recovering from depression. Member of the Russian-speaking AD community. Nice to meet you.
We only publish what we get. I suggest you look at the online meetings. There are at least 3 daily at different times. Go to the link: Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings
I’m Karan. How do I contact DepA to ensure my meeting is still taking place in San Jose CA. Kevin seems to be the moderator, but there isn’t a number for him
This site publishes the information that is made available to us. If the contact person decided not to give us a number there is not a way for us to verify that the meeting is still active.
Is there any member from India in this fellowship? Or anyone from Holland / Netherlands?
Can anyone please contact me? I have some query?
I am Manish G. from Pune, India.
My mobile number, WhatsApp number is +919850669648
My email ID is [email protected].
Hello Manish
i am writing to a DA person today. This person is Indian and a member of DA online JOH program. I have contacted this individual and let it be known that someone in India is wishing to contact Indian DA member of JOH.
hugh S., for the DA FELLOWHIP.
With gentleness, love and respect, I want to ask about the structure of DA. I see that much of the literature is authored by Hugh Smith. Doesn’t this go against the tradition of anonymity? Does Depressed Anonymous have a WSO? Is Hugh Smith the leader of DA? Why does he make his last name public?
Yes Hugh is the founder of DA. When he wanted to publish the literature his contact at Amazon said that they needed his last name. Begrudgingly he agreed to list his last name. The benefit of the literature to people was more important at the moment to anonymity.
The fellowship has historically been rather small and DA is in the midst of forming a WSO. More will be announced shortly.
Does Depression Anonymous grant permissions to DA group in other countries to translate its publications into their language? If so, please let me know of the process.
I am glad to report two groups have started recently in The Netherlands with a 12 step program about anxiety and depression. Would you be so kind to add this to your meeting list so people can find them?
Thanks! Jasper.
Reading the english portion of your website at the bottom on the page it looks like there is just one face to face meeting listed. I will add an entry on the international meetings in the next day or so. Please write back once you get the online meetings going.
Thanks Bill, I noticed the current information about The Netherlands is obsolete. The group in Maastricht no longer exist. Would you be so kind to update the information?
I only have control over The Netherlands info is hosted on another site. You will need to contact the people who manage the other website.
My name is Robert. I have done 12-steps before for addiction, and it would so appear I would benefit from a program oriented towards depression recovery. I just don’t want it to turn into a life long thing since my goal is freedom. So if someone could please give me some guidance I would appreciate it. I am in San Marcos, CA. 8582185055
It’s never a life long commitment. It’s about having a daily reprieve from saddening yourself. If you are caught in the habit loop of saddening yourself then DA can help you. This may involves going to meetings. To what level you participate is a function of how deep and persistent your addictive habit of saddening yourself is.
We believe that what we think, what we say, and what we do impact our depression. We believe that depression can be managed by applying the principles of the 12 Steps. All are welcome!
Looking for a meeting in my area.
Are there phone meetings?
Are there people who could work the 12 steps with me.
Thank you,
Let us know where you are located plus your email address /or call our warm line at 502. 569.1989
Thank you for your message
I desire to join depression anonymous. Orlando florida 32809.home phone 407 704 3019
I would suggest that you refer to our page on Online Meetings at:
There is a daily meeting at 12:30 pm ET. There is also a meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm MT / 6:00 pm ET. There are also 2 nightly meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 pm ET. Information on how to get to all of these meetings is available on the link above. I hope to see you at one of those meetings.
I’ve called this warm line so many times at different times and there’s never an answer or, any way to leave a message. We have a great need in our area and I am now looking to start a group here. 40216/40258 area. I just downloaded the E-book and E- workbook. Please reply with info if this page is still active.
Thank you for your interest in starting a DA group in your area. I tried the phone number this morning and evidently, it is not working. The new number for information is 502.447.2013. This phone number is for the Incarnation Catholic Church and is the number you need to call for info on the meeting that has been operating at the parish for a good number of years.
I will call the parish office and get the information that you need for more directions and call you back. My call will hopefully get me the number for the representative who will be your best bet for help. My phone number here is 502.648.4063.
Thank you
PLEASE help me got no one I can talk to
Hi looking for in person and online meetings im in newzealand
Hi Laurel
At the present there are no DA meetings in New Zealand. You can get online by going to MEETINGS menu on Home page and then click onto DA Online 12 Step recovery meetings outside the USA. WE have meetings every day of the week–click onto the Journeys of Hope Link and it will take you to the meeting. WE are exactly one day behind you. It is now 4PMET and it will be 4PM New Zealand 4PM New. The Daily meeting is at 12:30PM ET and 11:30PM CT. Each meeting is 1 hour long. Hope to see you at a meeting.
Thee are no DA groups in this area–sorry to say. I think A community Mental Health Ctr in your area would have support programs for you daughter. Thank you for contacting us.
Are there meetings to go to? How do I find one?
Hi David
Thanks for the request. Tell us what city, country in which you live and we will let you know place, time and contact.
I desire to join depression anonymous. Orlando florida 32809.home phone 407 704 3019
I would suggest that you refer to our page on Online Meetings at:
There is a daily meeting at 12:30 pm ET. There is also a meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm MT / 6:00 pm ET. There are also 2 nightly meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 pm ET. Information on how to get to all of these meetings is available on the link above.
I tried to log on but nobody was there.
You posted this on 4 February at 5:01pm ET. I chaired the meeting on Friday 4 February and it started on time at 12:30pm ET. If you followed the directions earlier in this thread you should have been taken to the meeting.
I would suggest that you refer to our page on Online Meetings at:
There is a daily meeting at 12:30 pm ET. There is also a meeting Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm MT / 6:00 pm ET. There are also 2 nightly meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 pm ET. Information on how to get to all of these meetings is available on the link above.
Hello dears
I live in Montreal and really like to take part in Anonymous Depressed people meeting.
Please help me.
Hello Lida
At the present time there are no DA groups in Montreal. At one time we knew of a group in Toronto. All we can do is to recommend that you use the Home Study Program of DA which includes the DA Manual and also the Workbook. Even though it is not face to face it is a great way to start taking care of yourself and the issues of depression. In time then you may get one other person to go through these self-help books with you and gradually have others join you. Until a group forms around you /or someone actually starts a group I know this is an excellent way to get started.
All the best and please keep in touch. DA
Hello, Are there anny face to face meetings in Sydney Australia?
Thanks Shane G.
Hi Shane
Believe it or not–no, as far as we know there are no DA groups in this area–we always recommend that you can get a good start by going through the DA Workbook (questions that help you work through your own depression) and the DA Manual. These are the Home Study Program which will at least help you get started on issues surrounding your own depression. The questions in the Workbook help one begin to face what may have brought you down in the first place. Because the Manual has been written by those who have been depressed we feel its a great way to help oneself before a group gets moving.
Hopefully, this gives you a reason to start on your own til a group can be formed.
Thank you and we hope you this info helps until a face to face group can get formed in Sydney.
Please keep in touch
Hi Shane
Presently, there are no DA groups in Sydney Hopefully you are someone may want top set them up. Please look at our website for more info on starting your own group in Australia. Or you can use the Home Study Program for your own personal use and guidance. Thank you for your interest. DA
Hello! I live in Los Angeles, Ca 90023 I would like to know if they have open meeting for me to attend.
Hi Mary
At the present time there are NO meetings in the LA area as far as we know. I wish there were but someone has to want to start a group–and until that person or person s show up the LA is without our 12 step program of recovery.
Since we 12 step we should be more available to a wider population. Hopefully, in time.
Thank you for your interest. And all that you may need to start a group is at our website. Take a look and see if you and others would like to set up a group. All the best to you.
I am interested in starting a group in Inglewood, CA, (Los Angeles).
Please contact me with all the info.
Will do.
PS Stay tuned!
Hi Hugh,
I received the books and material I ordered from you early last week. Thanks for the prompt delivery.
I had my first D.A. Meeting yesterday! Only 3 people, but what a blessed day it was! Made new friends and shared experience, strengths and hopes! Looking forward to next Sunday!
Thanks again and God Bless!
Sounds great. Thank you for the info. We will place them on the net group locations if someone could send me a list of time and places and contacts.
We would like to know more about the meetings there in Culver.
I’m from Holland, Michigan and I was wondering if there were any meetings in or around my area.
At this time, sorry to say there are no groups in this area. Hopefully some day. Thank you for your interest.
Hi, I am looking for a support group near Ida Michigan.
Hello Erica
As far as our records show, we do not have any Depressed Anonymous groups in Michigan–at least not at the present. Sorry. Thank you for inquiring about our program of recovery. Hopefully, someday we’ll have a group started there. All it takes is for one person to get it organized. Two people working together is even better sometimes.
Hi im Tony n had been suffering from deppression since i was 17. I live in madison wisconsin. Do u have people in the area maybe also meetin
I would like for someone to email me or call me if there areeetings in madison wisconsin
Thanksgs i can go to ?
Sorry i forgot to leave my number for someone to call me if there are meetings in madison wisconsin
Tony 608 513 0954
Ann Arbor or Grand Rapids MI?
Hi, any support groups in Maryland?
Hi Erin
There are no groups at this time in MD. So sorry to tell you that. But there is a lot of material on line at our site here where you might find info that could be of help to you as it is to others.
Please let us know how we might be of help to you in other ways.
I live in MA but I don’t live anywhere near Shrewsbury or Marlboro where your support groups are. I was wondering if you were ever going to come to the south shore of MA? Maybe somewhere around in Plymouth County?
Hi Margaret
At the present time, no plans are being made to establish a group in your location. Hopefully, someday, someone like yourself may want to start a group in your community. In the meantime, our group has a HOME STUDY program that many use till the day when they can usher in their own program.
Hi, i ask about if there was meeting online for DA because no fellowship in our country,,Thanks alot
Yes, our fellowship does Skype and we visit face to face with whole groups and one on one with DA fellowship.
Currently doing Step study with member in Belarus. Also group study with group DA in Iran. SKYPE also has helped us contact group in Russia.
I would be willing to do Step study with you or anyone interested in having a DA meeting online from your country.
Peace be with you. Please contact us if you are interested. My email address is depanon@netpenny. Hugh S
Anyone looking for a group in the Los Angeles area, a new one is forming. Go to for details.
Hi Jody
I will get our tech to get your site on our drop down menu. I tried to get it up on group listings but was unable. It will be up as soon as I can talk to a person more knowledgeable.
God bless your work
looking for Depressed Anonymous meeting in the Herkimer/Utica NY area – any info available for something nearby?
Hi Greg
Sorry, but as far as we know we have no listings of a group in or near this area. Maybe you could start you own group. Our website has info on how to get this done. We would help in any way that you would like–we could also refer you to those persons who have started groups and let you know the ins and outs.
Hugh for the fellowship.
And thank you for writing to us and again, we hope you push on for your self and for those with whom you may be able to help.
I live in the UK, South Wales and would like to start aDA group in my town of Port Talbot How do I do this and where do I go for direction and literature. ANY tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I would love info on meetings online? I don’t See meetings in or area, sw Missouri. Can you help me with info about starting meetings? Can you please call me 4175929514. I’d love to talk to someone about getting them around here. I believe my area could use it badly
Please call us at our number 502.553.3404. My name is Hugh and we would be happy to help you find ways to start a group in your area. To get you started you might want to read our ISSUE#! at our Newsletter archives @ Please check the menu to our website for more information on who we are and what we do.
Peace and Hope.
Hi i would like to start a DA group in London UK. How do I do this?
What you would need to start a group in UK is to go to our website at and read each of the menu items and start there. I would recommend that you read ISSUE#1 at our Newsletter archives for more detailed information on how to start a group. You would also do your self a favor by reading the Depressed Anonymous Manual ,3rd edition plus using the DA Workbook, both are available at Depressed Anonymous Publications…and can be purchased online. These two books will be needed if someone wants to operate a well organized Depressed Anonymous meeting. If some one wants to have a sponsor and use our material in a study program with a sponsor you might contact us.
I do hope that you can get started with a group–your people will be grateful they are finding help. Help is in the group. We call it the miracle of the group.
Are there any depressed anonymous support groups close to the zip code: 40241 area?
First of all thank you for your message today. To answer your question about a group in the 40241 area–there is none that we are aware of. I wish there could be a group but so far there is none. Hopefully, someday there might be a group in this area.
Sincerely, Hugh
PS There is a group located off Dixie Hwy in Louisville, which meets on Thursday nite. Please go to our website for groups in Kentucky and the address will be listed there with the time of meetings.
I am looking for online meetings and a sponsor or buddy with whom to work the steps by phone or email. Would anybody like to do this with me?
Hello Elle
Thank you for your interest in our mutual aid program of recovery, Depressed Anonymous. If you are thinking of an email program where you correspond with a sponsor via email then we might have something that you could find helpful.
This past January 2018 we (Depressed Anonymous) sponsored a Home Study Program of recovery for those persons unable to either find a local meeting or just would like to work the Steps on their own. Presently we are sponsoring 4 individuals who are now engaged in the Home Study email program. (I see where you have downloaded the two books needed for this Home Study program). We are presently open to a few more applicants and if you would like to be part of this please let me know. My name is Dr. Hugh Smith and I have found the email process very beneficial to those involved and committed to using the Workbook in relationship with the DA Manual, 3rd edition.
I am presently working with persons from Nebraska, USA., Tehran, Iran; Netherlands., Belarus, Russia.
The email process is quite straightforward–a participant mails their responses to the Workbook and I respond with a return email. All is strictly confidential. There are no fees or dues. And if you would like to have friend(s) work with you that would be fine.
For any more information please consider reviewing our website or send us a note at [email protected]. Please check out our HOME STUDY PROGRAM info that appears at our drop down menu.
Because the 12 Steps have saved my life, December 7th, 1982, I then founded Depressed Anonymous in 1985. This desire to help those “still suffering from depression” has given me a personal passion to pass on my own experience and those many others who have used the Steps to free themselves from this life threatening illness.
Hope to hear from you and to answer any and all questions which you might have about this program via email.
Dr. Hugh Smith MS., DMin.
I am exploring the start of DA meeting and n North Kingstown RI, what support can we receive?
I have just emailed you a response to your request for starting a group.
Looing to your response.
I want to thank you Hugh. I have just come across your website and have found huge connection with the content. I have tried to use a couple of other 12 step programmes but they were never a true ‘fit’. I have lived with depression for more years than I like to admit ( I am over 70 now), and although I have sometimes managed to lessen the pain, it has never gone away. I didn’t realise until the age of 35 that it wasn’t normal to have suicidal thoughts, and I’m considered intelligent by most people. I live in Europe and there are no DA groups here, so I would be very interested in having access to an online meeting if someone starts one. In the meantime I await the arrival of the DA Manual and DA Workbook, and have started using the daily Thoughts for Down Days which I had downloaded to my iPad. Again thank you for this site which could be a true life saver to me.
Hello Patricia
So happy that you have found some information that will be helpful to you and your daily living.
I will be in touch with you later on this day. I look forward to visiting with you about some ideas that may be acceptable to you and for your own recovery. I have been at this for many years(I founded DA in 1985) and am always heartened by the response that we receive about our program from around the world. Our Manual has now been published in Russian, Farsi(Iran) and soon into Spanish and then Into Dutch.
We all have so much to give to each other and that is the source of my own recovery as I continue to share with any and all who are suffering from depression.
All the best to you. BTW, I am 78 years young and getting younger (haha).
Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you .
Hi Patricia
If you are interested in a Home Study Program using our Workbook and Manual please let me know. I haven ongoing sponsorship program for persons desirous of using the Home Study program of recovery. We correspond via eMAils and this works out well. No fees or dues. You will already have the material books which we use and if you would like to use this Home Study program please let me know.
I would be happy to be at your service here if you would like to know more about this program.
All the best
Yes please include me in your home study group.
“I have tried to use a couple of other 12 step programmes but they were never a true ‘fit’. I have lived with depression for more years than I like to admit ”
***I am in the same boat. I tried to run this program as an Al-Anon member, as an Emotions Anonymous member, and then as a christian-sitting-in-the-pews-member (including Celebrate Recovery, which is basically the 12 steps from a christian perspective).
I just realized this week that AA members have this interesting expression: They don’t ‘front’ sobriety. That expression comes from an addict going up to his dealer and saying, “hey, can you front me a couple of grams”.
What I finally realized is that AA has been fronting ‘sobriety’ for those of us who have a different issue than Alcoholism by saying that you can work your particular issue in their program. But if that were true, there would never have been a Gamblers Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Marijuana Anonymous, Lovers and Sex Addicts Anonymous, etc. It’s easy to front someone else’s ‘sobriety’ because it costs THEM nothing.
Hello Anna
Thank you for your comment and desire to work the Steps with someone. We offer a Home Study Program, where a person interested learning more about the Steps and using them for their own recovery can follow with a Depressed Anonymous Workbook and the Depressed Anonymous manual. 3rd edition. Presently we have three persons using this format. There is a woman 12 Step member in Holland; a woman in US and a group of DA members from a Depressed Anonymous meeting in Iran. All follow our standard approach utilizing communication with me via Emails. The Workbook and the DA Manual are coordinated. Each Step is discussed not only in the Manual but the Workbook questions and the user’s answers to the questions are important components for our personal recovery. My time with participants I consider to be much like the sponsor in the 12 Step fellowship groups. The only charge is for the lesson materials. You can go to the DA Publications Bookstore at our website for ordering procedures. You can order the books as eBooks and download onto your computer (most economical format); Order both as one unit (combo) from our website; or order directly from the Publisher at
My own personal recovery goes back to 1982 when I became part of a 12 Step fellowship. In 1985 I and a few Graduate students designed a program (pilot project) at the University where I was pursuing my Graduate degree. I knew the power of the 12 Steps and so I modeled a program for depression using the Steps. The program now is global.
Please understand that if for whatever reason purchase of our material is not possible know that our Publisher (DAP) will work something out with me. Because there is no charge for my part in this program –sponsors don’t charge anything- (I have had the same sponsor for 15 years and he has never charged me a dime—he better not or I’d fire him.) There are no fees or dues–ever…at the meetings or in sponsorship.
Just a concern that I want to mention to you Anna: that there is work involved in getting free of depression. The program will take time, a commitment and prayer. But you will find that by facing yourself and doing self reflection exercises, with DA Book and Workbook used faithfully, good things will happen for you.
Please take a look at our website at and examine the various menus on our home page. I have written more than 700 blogs and we publish Newsletters which is a good thing to look at if you want to be part of this journey.
If you have questions, please write to me at [email protected] and I will try to answer questions as best I can. Sometimes I use SKYPE for those who like f2f contact. Members in Russia, Iran, Malaysia, Ukraine and USA use SKYPE. As you probably know, the world is a very depressed place in which to live. Depression knows no boundaries, no race, culture or religion.
So, if interested in our program, contact me here or email me at our address [email protected]. Thank you for your interest.
My name is Hugh S., MS., DMin. Hoping to hear back from you when you like.
Hi Hugh
Are you going to contact me and tell me how to start using the Home Study group? I would be interested in this as there seems to be nothing available here in the way of physical groups where I live.
Thank you, Patricia
Hi Pat
Yes, I am going to contact you. Please go to our website at and click onto menu item which says Home Study Program. It is here that you will gain some more information on how to go about this process. Basically, what it is, is a collaboration between me and the participant in this valuable process.
The participant, you, and my self, exchange emails with each other pertaining to your work with the Depressed Anonymous Workbook, coordinated with the DA manual.
You begin this process by starting with Step #1 in Manual and then answering the questions in the Workbook that pertains to Step #1 and your own personal experiences with depression.
The point here is that I am not correcting a student’s paper, but with your responses from the Workbook and I add my own personal experiences to yours and we both benefit from our continuing correspondence with each other.
Right now I am working with two other persons who are engaged in this Home Study process(they have no groups where they live) –and one DA group in Iran who are Depressed members.
Basically, I serve as a sponsor, with those persons who like to have some support in helping them through the tough times of depression.
So, Pat this is basically the process. You can take your time and together we both can learn more about living and dealing with depression.
Hoping to hear from you and how you would like to proceed. The process is confidential.
I’ve suffered from depression most of my adult life and feel alone. It would be great to be in a group with others who have been there. Are there any meetings in San Diego or San Diego North County? Are there any meetings online?
Hi Tina
Sorry to say, there are no groups in your area and there are no online groups. We do have a Home Study program where a member of DA helps a participant go through the Depressed Anonymous Manual and the Workbook online. This process is achieved by emails between the participant and the sponsor.
It’s a meeting nevertheless between two people (albeit small). We do work with an Iranian DA group, as they go through the Steps. They have been in the process of translating the Workbook–they’ve finished translating the Manual. It’s an approach that works for those who want to try the Home Study process of using the Steps in their own lives. The process is accomplished with emails.
You can read more about this program at our website and then decide if this might be for you. The main books can be downloaded as Ebooks.
Thank you for writing and I am sorry there are no groups near you. Hugh
Cordial saludo. Les escribo desde la ciudad de Medellin, Colombia. Actualmente teneos el deseo de abrir un grupo de 12 pasos para la recuperación de la Depresión. Para Nosotros es de Vital importancia. Les solicitamos muy comedidamente nos puedan orientar para la apertura de un grupo en nuestra ciudad. Necesitamos Literatura y queremos saber por favor como obtenerla.
Quedamos atentos a su pronta respuesta.
Muchas Gracias
Jorge Camero A.
Best regard. I am writing from the city of Medellin, Colombia. Currently you have the desire to open a group of 12 steps for the recovery of the Depression. For us it is of vital importance. We ask you very kindly to guide us to open a group in our city. We need Literature and we want to know how to obtain it.
We remain attentive to your prompt response.
Thank you so much
Jorge Camero A.
Best regard. I am writing from the city of Medellin, Colombia. Currently you have the desire to open a group of 12 steps for the recovery of the Depression. For us it is of vital importance. We ask you very kindly to guide us to open a group in our city. We need Literature and we want to know how to obtain it.
We remain attentive to your prompt response.
Thank you so much
Jorge Camero A.
Looking for a meeting in Canada, has anyone created one in the GTA area?
Are there any phone meetings?
Hello Barbara
There is a Depressed Anonymous phone(SKYPE) International group which recently formedon on 11/4, 2018.The meeting time is 10:30 est Sundays. English is the spoken language.
The email to participate at SKYPE is [email protected]. If you have any further questions please email me at [email protected]. I intend to write back to you with any information which you will need.
Looking for groups close to me.
Covington, Ga
Looking for meeting in my area, Covington, Ga.
My name is Marlene, from Portugal, depressed. I would like to start going to online meetings and work the program. However I’m not being able to find the online meetings schedules. I was wondering if you could help me out with this?
Thank you,
Hello Marlene
Thank you for your post. At the present we are trying to get something going where we could operate an online International Depressed Anonymous group. SP far, we are still in the talking stage. The group when it gets up and running will be based on other 12 step group which operate online and are international. These are the Al-Anon, AA, Codep groups plus others. The person in charge of trying to get this moving is in Netherlands and I will be contacting her this evening. I am in the US. So please be patient and til something happens, you can either enroll in our Home Study program of recovery plus reading past DA Newsletters and Blogs at our website ALl of which will give you some ideas for your own recovery and feelings of hope.
I do thank you for your interest, and knowing that you are depressed presently, I do hope that you keep us informed of your needs and questions needed answering. My best thought for you is that there is hope.
I do think Portugal might have others who might be experiencing depression and possibly you might gather some together, using our Manual and see the improvement that can happen when the steps are applied to one’s life and environment.
All the best to you, and yours. Also, by reading some of the past issues of the DA Newsletter you can get a more full idea of who we are and what we do.
Hugh S.
Are there any meetings in the Los Angeles – Hollywood/West Hollywood/miracle mile area?
I’m having trouble finding depressed anonymous groups that don’t require $100 per group…
Thanks !
Hello Lili
There are no groups of Depressed Anonymous in these areas as far as we know. I do know this: No Depressed Anonymous requires a fee for any of its services-(I’ve have been with this group for over 30 years. I founded it). We offer an online group Home study for those who wish to start studying the Steps on their own when there is no group in their area. These Home Study groups are sponsored by a member of Depressed Anonymous by means of communicating with emails. Presently we have five individuals being guided by a sponsor–Some who live in other countries. Again, our group which is based on the Spiritual Principles of the Twelve Steps of AA know how effective it’s use is to those who are suffering from depression. So, if you are interested in the Home Study please let us know. Twelve step support groups are free.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hugh [email protected].
Hello folks:
We will be starting a Depressed Anonymous meeting in San Jose, CA this Sunday at 7pm at the Alano Club East (1122 Fair Ave, San Jose, CA).
We could use your support and encouragement. I’m not sure how anonyous we need to be here, so I’m not posting my phone number just yet.
In God’s Love
Kevin O
Hi Kevin, are these meetings still occurring in San Jose? Is there one tonight at 7pm?
This website lists meetings as a service to local groups, but we do not control whether those meetings continue to run. We can only update the website if we are given correct information. At the time that page was written the San Jose meeting was still being held. Sorry I can’t be more specific.
Yours in recovery, Bill R
Many of the above comments are asking about meetings. I too would like to attend a meeting in my area. Cypress Texas 77433. Near Houston. When you are so depressed taking a bath is a battle, it is almost too much to attempt help when what you are looking for isn’t there. Maybe it’s just me.
Hi Bonnie
Thank you for your recent letter to us about Depressed Anonymous Groups in your area. The only DA group so far that we know is located in Texas is the DA group at The Colony in the Ft. Worth-Dallas area. Their mailing address is: The Colony, The Colony ER Center, 4780 ST HWY 121, The Colony, Texas, 75056. Their email address is [email protected]. The contact there is Tom M. Please give them a message and hopefully they can find something that would be closer to you and would better meet your needs.
We hope that more groups were available but maybe someday there will be. But we can only do so much. If someone wants to start a group we are there to help them as much as we can. I do hope that you keep in touch. Hugh S.
I would like to find out where Depression Anonymous is locate in my area. My zip code is 01752
Thank you for your request. Yes, there is a group near you at Shrewsbury, MA. Please go to the website menu and click onto Groups IN US. Go to Massachusetts menu and there you will find time and location for meeting time. Good luck!
Is there a chapter in Maryland that meets?
Sorry to say, that at the present time there are no groups in this area . Hopefully, someday. In the meantime you might want to take a look at a Home Study Kit which would enable you to go through all the Steps with a commentary. All these are written by persons who were depressed.
Thank you for thinking of us.
Greetings. We want to know if they have the Spanish version of the literature. we are attentive to your confirmation to start a group in our city, we are a group of people interested in a solution to depression from the 12 steps. Thank you so much. Jorge
Greetings. We want to know if they have the Spanish version of the literature. we are attentive to your confirmation to start a group in our city, we are a group of people interested in a solution to depression from the 12 steps. Thank you so much. Jorge
Medellin, Colombia. South América
Hola Jorge
We are in the process of publishing our main Book Depressed Anonymous. The author(translator)of the translation from English to Spanish hopes to have the translation finished at the beginning of the New Year 2019.At that time we will send it to our publisher and begin printing the first edition of the Spanish version.
But I believe that I have corresponded with you before and happy to hear from you once again. We will keep your name, address on file onbce our book is ready for publication. Keep up the good work and hope!!!
Hola Hugo. Seguimos atentos a su confirmación de la Literatura en
Hi Amy
Thanks for the note and inquiry re Depressed Anonymous and starting a group in your community. I would recommend that you go to the MENU at and check out the menu titles. There are a number of issues that you would find helpful in getting a group started. First of all, you might want to look and read the FAQ plus the Newsletters Archive. There you will read info on how to start a group. There is a meeting format sample in our Big Book Depressed Anonymous. It sows the group meeting program and how to direct a meeting. There are so many topics that you will find interesting and very helpful.
I heartily recommend reading Depressed Anonymous as that will give you a good idea of who we are and what we try to accomplish with our mutual help group. This book has been written and put together by members of Depressed Anonymous. We all have been depressed and using our experience to talk about our personal stories of recovering utilizing the Twelve Steps.
Basically Amy you would do yourself a favor by looking at all the material we have to offer and see how you might want to incorporate that into your own life and go from there. Also, I write a BLOG which you might like to follow.
So, there you have it–a small piece of the picture–but if you want to continue I will be happy to work with you as you move forward in that desire to help others free themselves from the potentially life threatening malady we call depression.
If you would like to write to us–please feel free and we can see where we can go from there. Looking forward to hearing from you again.
Our mailing address is [email protected].
I live in Toronto in Canada.
Is there not a fellowship here?
How can I go about starting one?
I would love to organize meetings here. We need to support each other.
Hi Lori
Thank you for the offer to get a Depressed Anonymous mutual aid group started. We all know the world–every community needs support to deal with the life threatening reality we call depression.
About your question if there is a fellowship in Toronto–yes, there was about 10 years ago. But I have not heard of a group in recent years. Sometimes groups just start up and we don’t hear about it so as to post it on our website.
We will be more than happy to help you get a group started. You are the fourth person who have written to us this week looking to start a group in their community.
If you want to learn more about who we are and what we do–please look at our Website at It is the menu that can give you an idea of what we are about. I would ask that you read as many of the items located on the menu that you can. Since I try and write a blog every couple of days we now have at least over 800 article that you can read. Also, on how to start a group you would do well to access the Newsletter Archives for more information on our organization which is peer led and operates with the 12 spiritual steps of AA as our guide. We have adapted these steps to the reality of depression and find that for many it happens to work its miracle.
Lori, please start there at the Menu and see what you can find out and if it fits what you are looking for.
Also, we have two major works, written by people like myself, who have suffered depression and began living the life of the steps.
Our Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore can offer you a great variety of topics on how to deal with depression and gather the tools that can help the depressed be free from the prison of depression. The group is the power and the fellowship provides the freedom to not be isolated and alone.
What I can do, is after the Holidays next week, I will contact you again, and spell out some ideas of the how to start a group..
I have been working with the depressed for over 30 years and thanks to the STEPS, SPONSORSHIP, AND MEETINGS I have been sober and clean all these years and I find my passion is doing with you what I do with those many people looking for some help and getting started on founding their own support group.
Looking to hear more from you on what you would be willing to do to help others.
I’m from Russia and I’d really like to join a DA group but there is any in my area.
I try to study 12 steps by myself but, it’s difficult. I’ve started to write the 1st step (using the book and workbook), but I don’t realize how to do this correctly.
So, I’m writing to you in the hope that you can help me to find an english-speaking sponsor (or maybe even russian-speaking) who can help me to study the steps.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
I have been reading DA for a little over a year now and absolutely love looking forward to new readings and have grown I must say in many ways due to it. However, since becoming ready to step out into this big ol world and join a DA, Ive discovered there isn’t any to be found in my entire state. I live in Knoxville Tennessee and we have about any kind of ‘A’ you can think of but nothing for DA members or even anxiety meetings! I’ve tried the AA and NA and about any other ‘A’ meeting in town hoping to connect on some level and get anything from it or even offer something at the least to someone else. Sadly, and surprisingly it just isn’t that easy for a woman in DA to find meaning or even purpose to be in a Narcotic Anonymous meeting (if that makes sense). So, for about a year and a half I have been simply following and reading online and commenting as led to do so. If you or anyone has any suggestions or know of any outside groups that I’m not finding , please feel free to send my way! Thank you so much for your time!
Searching and hoping in Knoxville Tennessee,
Hi Mylinda
I sent a reply to your mailbox. I had not read your 2nd comment at the time until now. I do hope to respond later. I hope that you might share with others that we are here–regardless of a f2f group in Knoxville –others will be inspired to follow us here at this site. Women in Holland and Portugal have set up an international online DA group. If you would like information in this online group please let us know and I will send an email to the leader. AS you and I know, depression is definitely a global problem–epidemic in fact.
What is possible is for a group of persons to gather together and go through the Steps together. Persons in one country do this recovery program as a group–actually it turns out to be a Depressed Anonymous group.
The possibilities for recovery are limitless. Check out the Newsletter Archives at our site and you can find more about who we are and what we do. We are not alone.
BTW–I like “grit and grace.” Super!
Considering starting a group in East Texas. Please contact me so I can get some more information 903 504 6509 sincerely Johnny D.
Thank you. I left a msg for you earlier.
Hi Hugh
God bless you.
Because of lack of sponsors we pass 12 steps with my “online DA called sister” together reading book and workbook, talking in Skype, watching some videos, trying some prays meditations, and discussions.
Our progress is really good.
But sometimes there are some strange side effects on 3rd and 4st step
1) Is it Ok to pass DA in pair without sponsor and what are safety regulations?
2) We use quite a lot of AA literature to understand 12 steps. Is that ok for you
3) Could we share our experience to our depressed brothers and sisters?
Best regards
Sergey K
Hi Sergey
Thanks for the mail. Good to hear that DA is operative in Russia and starting to grow. I hope that you all do what you can to bring serenity and peace to many of your fellow countrymen. Every nation needs to find serenity in our program of recovery. As you and I know, depression is of epidemic proportions globally. It is when persons like yourself who get together and support each other that good things begin to happen. Thank you for your group bringing hope to those who are “Still suffering. Please let us know if we can help in anyway whatsoever. By the way, are you familiar with the Russian translation and publication of DA manual? Let me know.
Secondly, because I do not understand Russian, in 1) Question to me I do not understand the question. What does the question refer to when the word “pass” is used. If it means study, I see no problem. You can still discuss Steps without sponsor. It’s best to have a sponsor–but no sponsor–study anyway. Safety regulations? Why this? You can help me here.
2) Use whatever works for you and your recovery. Many of our members come to program because of the 12 Steps that they learned and used in AA. In fact I used a quote from Bill W., at my BLOG. Take a look. We all are standing on the shoulders of giants–Dr. Bob., and Bill W.
3)Isn’t this the idea–to “carry the message” to those who are still suffering from depression. Step 12 says it all!!
So, Sergey, tell your own story–tell them what life was before DA or AA or whatever 12 Step program you are involved with and then how your life is now that you are living the Step life. People are looking for hope–you have it–don’t hide it–share it. Be a light for those who are living in despair and hopelessness.
I am so happy that you wrote–I had no idea that you were out there. I am working with someone from Russia doing a Step study. At one time I gave SKYPE interview with Elias Tee in SIberia. Quite a nice experience. I believe he was directing a treatment facility and I got to meet some of his membership via SKYPE. Do you know of Elias.
Keep in touch and may God bless all you good people–doing good for each other.
Hugh S.
Hi Hugh
God bless you and thanks a lot for answer.
Explanation of “safety regulation”:
I follow “primum non nocere” principle.
I had really strange experience:
– a little madness on step 3rd when I tried to listen to Lord – I received pretty strange advice to punch somebody etc.
– loosing concentration on step 4st – I had hundreds of opposite wishes and couldn’t make a choice
I solved that by meditation and Prayer of the Optina Elders, but I’m really don’t know what to do if somebody else have such experience except my DA partner.
I could save my “DA partner”, but I’m not sure what is necessary to do for the rest.
In Russian live groups people are supported by someone called “Going first”, but I don’t know how much steps were actually done by me.
My question is: How could I understand that?
I know only that now I have ability to hope, to suffer, to forgive, to love, to work and live without fear.
P.S. DA Russian speakers meeting point is
Best regards
Sergey K.
Hi Hugh
God bless you
I’m Sergey K from Russian Speakers online DA sector.
If you remember, I asked some questions on Depressed Anon site concerning passing DA in pair with my “called sister” without sponsor.
It seems that I already have a “spiritual awakening” from 5th of december and good remission in 2 month and my sister is on step 4 in a month.
I’ve shared my experience as you adviced me.
People from Russian Speakers online DA are impressed but can’t believe it, me sometimes too.
They started to ask me for supporting them.
I could have nice private life and spend all my time for me (and supporting my “DA sister” of course) but there are around 100-150 people online and no sponsors.
I talked to different people from DA and other 12 steps program whom I trust and they are experienced sponsors and they say that I can do the sponsorships.
Last person who I talked was provider of DA International Online Skype Meeting. She also confirmed my quess that if there is no sponsors, best way is to do 12 steps in pair.
Could we talk a bit via voice (Skype) concerning that?
Thanks a lot
Sergey K.
5th of February, sorry
Hi Amanda
There is an International Skype group meeting that meets on Sundays. You can get the address on our blog here at WP. The meeting is in English. You might try that. I don’t know your State but you might look at the drop down menu on website for DA in USA. It lists all the States where DA is located. Other than that, that is about it. Sorry to say.
We will be having another Webinar at the end of March sponsored by Russian DA groups–it is in English. I will be offering this program.
Have you thought about using the Home Study Program Kit. That is a do it yourself with a sponsor provided by Depressed Anonymous. It’s offline and emails are the communication tools. like long distance learning. We use the DA manual and the Da workbook for our program. If you would like more information please let me know. ([email protected])
I would also recommend the blog at this site as well as the items on the DA Menu Home page. There is an item FAQ which might help answer questions that you might have about who we are and what we do.
Thank you again, and sorry I could not be of more help as to group meetings close to you.
Hi Hugh
Hope, God (as you understand him) helps you today 🙂
My name is Sergey K, we communicated around a year ago if you remember a couple of webinars for Russian people.
Also, I sometimes visit International Skype Intergroup, you could ask people here about me.
On behalf of Russian International Skype Intergroup “DA Online (DA-O)”, I kindly ask you to place the information about our intergroup on the following links.
if that’s possible.
Russian International Skype Intergroup “DA Online (DA-O)”
Several Skype meetings per day, 24/7 support chats, DA speeches audiochannel
Detail info is on
God bless you, and DA, and all of us.
Best regards
Thanks a lot for registration!
Our schedule and links are changed quite often, so it would be nice to still place link to shedule on site
Russian International Skype Intergroup “DA Online (DA-O)”
Several Skype meetings per day, 24/7 support chats, DA speeches audiochannel
Detail info is on
Is that possible to contact you via email, Skype, WhatsApp to discuss that?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Hi Sergey
Thanks a bunch for the contract/license for the permission to publish. I hope to get some information from you/Maksym about what you are wanting to publish in Russian. My concerns now are with copyright and WIPO regs. I am in process of seeking advice on best ways to proceed with our relationship, specifically in regard with the publication of Depressed Anonymous Third edition of Depressed Anonymous, the Depressed Anonymous Workbook and the Higher Thoughts for Down Days book. If these are to be published in Russian, we do need the written permission of the publisher, and the provisions of copyright law to protect both parties.
So, please, I am continuing with information to make this arrangement a good one for your DA groups in Ukraine and Russia.
I do respect the letters from the Russian medical professions, as in AA., concerning the subject of depression. If it is possible, I would like to read these in English.
I know of Maksym’s professional expertize in translating and respect his attention to details such a s references to books cited. I was especially happy to see that he had permission to reprint, in Russian, Dorothy Rowe’s work, Depression: The way out of your prison(2nd edition).
I need a contact or meeting zoom for a spouse of a adict to depression and codependency
I my self im alcoholic and my family has been help doing the support meeting
Hi. I have a friend who has been seriously struggling with depression and other things. She has decided to confide in me but wants to keep it between us. I’d like to find out if there are any groups near us: MS. Preferably around the Holly Springs area. I think this could be good for her. Thanks
In response to COVID many face to face meetings have either postponed meetings, or are scheduling virtual meetings (phone or online).
For information regarding online DA meetings please go to page:
There is a Skype meeting every day at 12:30 pm Eastern time listed at the above link. There are also other meetings throughout the week that are also listed there.
Some face to face meetings are still taking place however. I would suggest you refer to the following link to see if there are meetings in your locale. If there is a contact listed for the meeting I would suggest that you reach out to them and determine if the meeting is occurring face to face.
My daughter 17 has severe depression and suicidal thoughts everyday. We live in zip code 91320. I did not see any meetings in this area and not sure how to find a sponsor or someone for her to speak with. Please help.
Hello, yesterday I sent you a message and indicated that you need to get help for your daughter today if she is having suicidal thoughts. Since there are no DA meetings in your area of California, please contact a mental health professional or go to a hospital emergency room so that she can have an evaluation and receive the help that she needs. I hope to hear from you soon and hoping that she is getting help.
Hugh S., for the fellowship of Depressed Anonymous
Have tried to reach out to Dallas, TX, DA group via their supplied email and have had no response.
I would like to initiate a DA group in Amarillo, TX, but want to sit in on a session or two to get familiar with function and group protocol.
Do you have any other contact info for the group in Dallas?
Thanks, Dan Carter
Sorry for not replying sooner. The best way for you to understand how a meeting is run is to attend one of the on line meetings. Go to: and there is information on a daily meeting at 12:30pm ET, a Tuesday evening meeting at 7:30pm ET, and a Sunday afternoon meeting at 4:00pm MT.
This is Melonie and I am a professional photographer and illustrator.
I was confused, frankly speaking, when I recognised my images at your web-site. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s license, you should know that you could be sued by the creator.
It’s not legal to use stolen images and it’s so wicked!
Check out this document with the links to my images you used at and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my ownership.
Download it right now and check this out for yourself:
If you don’t remove the images mentioned in the document above during the next couple of days, I’ll file a complaint on you to your hosting provider informing them that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.
And if it is not enough, trust me I am going to take it to court! And I will not bother myself to let you know of it in advance.
I would like to comply with your request but you haven’t mentioned which picture in particular you would like us to remove. The link you provided in your comment a 404 error page: Not found. I’m not going to remove all pictures from my site. You need to be specific regarding which picture you want us to remove. I will gladly remove it once I get specifics.
Hello, I’m Roman depressivny from Russia, Moscow. Can you share your experience, how can the Moscow community officially join you, and what is needed for this?
Hello Roman–Thank you for your letter of inquiry about Depressed Anonymous. The Moscow community can join us everyday on SKYPE, where we host a Depressed Anonymous meeting. We hope that the DA community in Moscow can join us. WE will also be sharing online via Skype an international Depressed Anonymous Conference with Russian and Iranian DA programs participating.
If I remember rightly, your Moscow group participated in a Webinar session that I attended a few years back. It was a great experience to be with you all.
In order for you to participate in our daily SKYPE program, the following will provide a link that will give you entrance to our site and hour-long group program. This program, in USA time zone is EDT 12:30PM -1:30PM. It is also available CDT from 11:30 PM -12:30 PM. I don’t exactly know what time this would be in Moscow Standard time –but hopefully you will be able to get to a meeting soon.
There will be an international Depressed Anonymous Virtual Conference on Saturday and Sunday. This would be an excellent way for you to hear and experience members of DA share their experiences, strengths and hope with other members of our fellowship. I will be sharing my own experiences with the group as well. I will be one of the participants who will share at 20-0100 Moscow Standard time Saturday.
You can email me anytime and I will respond as soon as I can and possibly set up a Skype meeting with you for more information.
Hugh S.
Hi I don’t know where to start. I’m from the Philippines and I’m looking for an online support group.
Greetings Martin and welcome to the Depressed Anonymous Website.
And thank you for your interest in our mutual aid 12 step recovery program of Depressed Anonymous.
Please click on the Green Item (Homepage menus) here on the website for MEETINGS. There is a drop-down menu where you can click on to Online Meetings and there you will find A meeting time for The Depressed Anonymous Journey of Hope, which meets every day of the week. The password for this Zoom meeting is hope.
The time of this meeting every day is USA EDT 12:30 and US CST Central ST. Please arrive at the ZOOM meeting site 15 minutes before the meeting starts and the Chair will ask you to click on the JOIN button. You will then be in the meeting. Press your mike to talk or read and Mute to silence the mike. You can turn on the Camera or not turn it on.
There are two other meetings scheduled during the week on Wednesdays and Tuesdays. The times are at 7:30 PM EDT and 6:3o PM CST. The Wednesday group meeting is for those who wish to discuss topics that interest the group and the Tuesday is a regular DA meeting.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here again. And, we welcome you at our mutual help meetings.
Hugh @ [email protected]
Is there a group in my area?
Hi Lisa
Please let us know of your location and we can let you know if there are meetings in you are. If not then we can advise you of our online meetings. You can also locate Online meetings at the drop-down MEETINGS on the Website Home Page. The name of our group is Depressed Anonymous-Journey of Hope. We use ZOOM for our online meetings and what you need is the password /hope.
These meetings are every day at 12:30 PM EDT and CST at 11:30PM.
Hugh for the fellowship
Do you have anything for Vancouver, BC, Canada?
I am looking for something in person to go to.
I could use one of these for myself.
Hi Tara
At the present time, there are no face-to-face Depressed Anonymous groups in your area. I would suggest that you look at the online meetings listed here at the Depressed Anonymous website. There you will find a listing of all the daily online meetings via Zoom. Please click onto the Home Page and then scroll to the MEETINGS menu item and you will find DA meetings online in the US and outside the US and the times that these meetings are scheduled. These meetings are open to anyone seeking to quit saddening themselves.
You can discover how many of us had to start somewhere, be it a face-to-face group or online. Our meetings at Depressed Anonymous—A Journey of Hope you will find the daily meetings are scheduled at 11:30 AM CST and 12:30 PM EDT. Please check out the various time zones at the MEETINGS site.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about our mutual aid groups. We will be happy to hear from you.
Hugh, for the fellowship.
Thank you for your inquiry about Depressed Anonymous.
I am not satisfied with your Russian branch! We have chat for them who need help right now, I wrote there about my struggle for health and a really hard day today, some woman called Olga in orthodox clothes wrote me I must pray. When I refused, she wrote “f**k y*u, go on annoying, stupid loser”. I can prove it, I made screenshot before she deleted her messages.
Another one chat was not friendly too. I wrote I can’t sleep and some woman (her name was also Olga with another phone number) killed me with the very first words – ” you must be drug addict”!!!
Thus, I can’t help myself and I can’t find anyone who can help me.
Dear Sir
I also will provide you our delegate’s email address, so that you can contact him immediately. We are so sorry that this outrageous situation has happened to you and we will see that the Russian DA Leadership will address this outrageous behavior from a group in Russia.
Please contact us if there may be any difficulty with your efforts. Our apologies on behalf of all our groups, in Russia and wherever are groups are located.
Thank you for alerting us to this serious breach of respect for you and your need at the time.
Hugh S., for the fellowship
Are the online meetings still being held? I am on zoom and on the phone line waiting for the daily one right now, it is 15 minutes after the start time and no one is on. Please help. I was really looking forward to this.
I am in! Thank you!
Hi, I’m Michael,
I just noticed that there is the “error 500” appearing on some of your website pages. I’m pretty positive that those types of errors won’t be appreciated by your customers and you are basically losing money as a result, plus they can significantly reduce the number of clicks from Google.
I’ve decided to help and created the document for you with a few screenshots of errors and also indicated the links to the pages where they appear, hope it helps.
Here’s the link to the doc, check it out:
Have a good day!
Hello Michael
Thank you for your message this morning. We will examine your observations about the “error 500” notice and see how this may be fixed on our end.
Again, appreciate your concern.
Hello, I lead a DA step study meeting on zoom. It is hosted by the sharecenter in Los Angeles. How can i add the meeting to your list?
Thank you
Hello Marcela
Good News! Welcome to our website and fellowship information center. We are happy to hear that there is a meeting (ZOOM)in Los Angeles. Please send information about this meeting to us at [email protected]. We will add it to our Depressed Anonymous meetings that are ZOOM, online, and located in the US.
With gratitude
Hugh S
Hi is that LA meeting available now?
Hello Nat
Just a short note to let you know that we have not been in contact with the LA group for two or three years. The contact has also been unavailable. If and when we get more information we will contact, you.
In the meantime, you can reach us at the daily online Depressed Anonymous Zoom meeting. There also are meetings at night which you can attend. To find out more about how to access these meetings, please go to our website at and click on the green MEETINGS drop down menu. You can locate all ZOOM meetings in USA online or f2f groups, depending on location. There is also a listing of groups outside of USA.
If you may be needing more assistance, please contact [email protected].
Hugh S., for the fellowship
Please remove the following meeting from the directory.
Community Services Building
Room D-155
630 Janet Ave, Lancaster, PA 17601
Enter through entrance “I”; go left and follow to end of hall; turn right and follow to the end of the hall. D-155 is to the right across from restrooms
Time: Monday’s 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
For more information Call or Text Lori @ 717-606-9902
I am no longer able to host and waiting for another person to start it back up.
Thank you,
Hi Lori
Hugh here. Thank you for the post about the meeting in Lancaster not meeting anymore. Thank you for the many times when you did the service of hosting the DA meetings in Lancaster. I will give you a call soon and will look forward to visiting with you about your work with the group there.
I will pass this message along and have our DA Tech remove the Lancaster group information from the directory.
Again, thank you for service for those who suffer.
Hugh S.
The Lancaster group has been removed from the face to face group listing
I live in port huron Michigan and I want to go to meetings. I am willing to travel I just really need a meeting are there any around here?
HI Lillian
Thank you for your letter and inquiry about DA meetings near you. At the present time there do not appear to be any DA meetings in the Huron, Michigan area. But, we do offer online meetings which are available to those who have a computer and internet. There is a daily Zoom online International DA meeting. Also, there are DA group meetings offered three rimes during the week. You are welcome to attend these meetings. The only thing necessary for you to qualify to be a member is the desire to stop saddening oneself. Meetings are open and you can share at the meeting s if you like, or you can attend and listen to the meeting shares of the participants.
For your information, you can find directions on how to access these online ZOOM DA meetings.
First go to our DA website at Here at the homepage, click onto the Menu item MEETINGS. This “drop-down” menu will offer you meeting choices for ongoing face to face meetings around the world. This would include US meetings, listed by States.
The second offering is for DA group meetings which are to be found online, using ZOOM for meetings. This would be useful for you, as there are no face-to-face meetings in your area. Please click onto Zoom meetings online FOR THOSE IN USA and then scroll down the list where you will come to THE JOURNEYS OF HOPE DAILY DA MEETING SCHEDULE. Click onto the link, which can lead you to the meeting, and where you will be able to join a LIVE group meeting. The time for these meetings are 11:30AM CDT and 12:30 PM EDT. When you are asked to join the meeting, you will find your way into an ongoing meeting. When you do get to the meeting you will be able to download information about the DA group, becoming familiar and comfortable with its format, being able to navigate to those areas there which you may be interested in personally.
I do want to welcome you to our program of recovery and hope that you will find the same source of strength and hope that so many of us have found and use for our own recovery from depression.
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] where I will be most happy to answer questions that you might have.
Hugh S.
Hello dear DA-members, thank you very much for your valuable and important work! I live in Finland and i want to set up a group in Finland with my comrades. The DA community would be the first here in Finland! We are very excited! Now there are a lot of questions..
1. Are we free to translate all your English texts to the Finnish language, and start recovering here in Finland in DA groups (Skype, etc.) ?
2. Would we get as many clear instructions as possible from you, and would I get some kind of “starter pack” for our first DA group in Finland for free?
For example, you can send all the necessary advice, support, and experience, etc., to us by e-mail: [email protected]
Thank you very much for your help! Greetings from Finland
Regards: Recovering
Hello Recovering
Thank you for your letter. I have sent an email to you yesterday evening. I also thank you for your response to that letter this
We will contact you later today (Tuesday) on ways to begin preparing for your own Depressed Anonymous program in Finland. A good start would be to attend a live Depressed Anonymous meeting at 11:30AM CDT or 12:30PM EDT time. The title of our Zoom daily DA program is Journeys of Hope. You can find the link to that program at Menu MEETINGS and scroll down to Online ZOOM meetings outside the USA. Then click onto Journeys of Hope Daily Depressed Anonymous meetings. The link will take you directly to our live meeting. Then click onto the Green button at screen, and it will ask you to join meeting. Click onto that and a host will open the meeting up to you.
That’s it. And thank you, for your interest in our mutual aid group, Depressed Anonymous .
Hugh, for the fellowship
Are there any depressed or suicidal support groups near the Salt Lake City, Utah area?
Hello, Miranda. I sent you an email this AM. 9/11/22 If you have questions, please contact me.
Thank you,
Any groups near Pittsburgh?
Please refer to: US Based Depressed Anonymous Meetings as it has the most up to date list.
I’m writing from UK! Have thought for a while that I’d really benefit from an equivalent to the AA, but for depression/anxiety. I don’t think there is a group in the UK, which is a shame. I think nearest equivalent would be one of the daily zoom meetings, which I think would be 4.30 pm UK time?
Keep up this great, inspiring work!
Sarah, it would be 5:30pm in the UK for most of the year except for the few weeks where the UK and North American Daylight Savings Time don’t line up.
Use Google – it is your friend. Enter the search “What is 12:30pm ET in the UK”. You’ll get the answer you’re looking for. Say you move to Greece then you would enter the search “What is 12:30pm ET in Greece?”
It’s the “teach a person to fish” adage in real life use.
Could you help me with information about how to start a group in my area please?
I’m in Australia on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.
Thanks – Simone
Hi Simone
Just a note to let you know that I have received your letter and will do what I can to help. It is good to hear from Australia and to let you know that there is a Depressed Anonymous already established in your country. I will see how we might get you together –virtually–and see how we can all three work together to get you started.
You can expect a message from me tomorrow. I want to welcome you into our global fellowship. We also are online everyday. Please check this out: go to our website at and at the Home Page click onto MEETINGS drop down menu and find DA meetings outside USA. Look for ZOOM meetings and follow the link for Journey of Hope meetings. That is the daily meeting place. And there are meetings almost every evening.
The meetings are Ct, 11:30-12:30 and ET 12:30-1:30Pm. I will check on time differential between our countries.
All the best to you and thanks for writing to us.
Hugh S., for the fellowship.
Hello Simone
I am sending you the info which you requested the way to start a DA group. One has already been established, I am going to send data to you via your email address. The person who initiated this group is from Sydney and has a zoom address and she is listed ion Facebook, so you can also contact her there.
Hope that you reconnect with us–just in case you cannot reach this person or peons.
Hi there…I really struggle with depression and am based in the Uk-would anyone know of an online English speaking meeting please I can access in the afternoon or evening GMT (Uk time)?
Hi Jilly
Yes, there is a daily DA 12 step meeting on ZOOM, starting at 12:30PM ET and going for 1 hour. Please go to Meetings menu on the DA website(, Click onto ONLINE ZOOM Meeting menu, and click onto DA ONLINE ZOOM meetings outside USA and the meeting place is at Journeys of Hope with a link to the meeting site. Click Join meeting, and you will be able to join the meeting live. You can also join the meeting @ 11:30AM-12:30PMCT.
Hope to see you at a meeting. Thank you for thinking of us.
Hugh S.
Hi there…I really struggle with depression and am based in the Uk-would anyone know of an online English speaking meeting please I can access in the afternoon or evening GMT (Uk time)?
Hi Jilly
Hope that you received my initial response.
Hi, I’m wondering if you know of any support group for wives of men that are depressed? Preferably in New Jersey, if not online.
Thank you!
We will be sending info to your mail box for meeting time, password and Member ID for our Dep-Anon family group. We are online using ZOOM. At the present time, there are no face to face groups–only virtual online meetings.
Hope to see you Monday.
Hugh S.
Hi, I did not receive any info emailed.
I know it been a while, but I’m wondering if there’s any active chapters in Orlando fl
At this time, there are no Depressed Anonymous meetings in Orlando, Florida. Please, check again, at another time, in case we do have a group starting in your community. And, thank you for contacting us.
Hugh S., for the fellowship
At this time, there are no Depressed Anonymous meetings in Orlando, Florida. Please, check again, at another time, in case we do have a group starting in your community. And, thank you for contacting us.
Hugh S., for the fellowship
Hi, I’m still waiting on info for a support group for wives of men that are going through depression. Thanks.
Hello Nancy
Here is the information that you have been looking for:
12 Step Dep-Anon recovery program for family and friends of the depressed.
Mondays at 2PM ET.
Meeting ID: 846 6885 1123
Password: serenity (small caps)
Dear DA,
My name is Fernando, and I’m a depressed in recovery. I live in a village called Figueiro in the District of Porto in Portugal.
There are no DA meetings near me.
I do participate in meetings regularly with other members via the Zoom App in meetings in Brazil, in the United States, and in France.. I have a temporary sponsor.
I am praying to be led to another depressed who is willing to hear my story. If you get any inquiries from Portugal, please refer them to me.
My native language is Portuguese. I speak English and French as well.
In the meantime, I continue these meetings regularly via Zoom, and I continue to recover one day at a time.
God bless you for your good work !
Yours in sobriety,
Fernando Mickaël T. living in Porto District, in Portugal
“Concedei-me Senhor, serenidade para aceitar coisas que não posso modificar, coragem para modificar coisas que posso, e sabedoria para distinguir coisas umas das outras.”
Are there multiple zoom and or conference calls through out the day each day ? Or is there only 1 meeting a week ? Or is there 1 meeting a month ?
Like AA, they have meetings around the clock and zoom connects internationally.
Hi Carrie and welcome! There are daily online meetings everyday! 12:30pm ET.
How can I join an online meeting? I’m in California. Thank you so much.
Join us everyday at the Depressed Anonymous Journeys of Hope meetings on zoom. Two meetings are listed everyday. Join us at the links found at: Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings
Hugh S, for the fellowship
My self pawan from India AA member sober hard core alcoholic from last 10 years
From childhood I am different living in fantasy,shy, dreamer,not able to express my feelings
I suffered lot from anxiety or dipression
I took medication in initial of my recovery (prozac) for one year
But i always fell some sort of emptyness in my life ,anger issue, felling whole day dippression, laziness,etc
But I am recovering
Please help
My English is poor is there any Indian member who help me to understand program
There are several members from India that attend meetings regularly. There are at least 2 online meetings every day. Please refer to page: Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings.
Another great resource is our discussion group on WhatsApp. From there you may be able to find other members from India.
Dear friends.
Please help us understand.
We want to read a prayer at the beginning of the day at a meeting of one official group.
Initially, this prayer belongs to the Christian denomination. However, we see that it has a deep meaning and that there is no information about Christianity in the text.
Some community members believe that it is a violation of the traditions of 12-step communities to read prayers of religious denominations at meetings.
Do you have anything to tell us in response? Please share your experience.
Prayer of the Optina elders
O Lord, grant that I may meet all that this coming day brings to me with spiritual tranquility. Grant that I may fully surrender myself to Thy holy Will.
At every hour of this day, direct and support me in all things. Whatsoever news may reach me in the course of the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that all is subject to Thy holy Will.
Direct my thoughts and feelings in all my words and actions. In all unexpected occurrences, do not let me forget that all is sent down from Thee.
Grant that I may deal straightforwardly and wisely with every member of my family, neither embarrassing nor saddening anyone.
O Lord, grant me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events that take place during it. Direct my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to be patient, to forgive, and to love.
Alena, I am recovering from depression. Member of the Russian-speaking AD community. Nice to meet you.
Hello and thank you for the comment.
I emailed an answer today to your question. Please check your mailbox for my response.
Have a good day.
Do we do the home program on our own or along with something. Also looking at the zoom calls too. Do they go along with it/?
Hey my name is Karan. I’d like to know if there are any DepA meetings in The Bay Area, California. I’m in dire need.
We only publish what we get. I suggest you look at the online meetings. There are at least 3 daily at different times. Go to the link: Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings
I’m Karan. How do I contact DepA to ensure my meeting is still taking place in San Jose CA. Kevin seems to be the moderator, but there isn’t a number for him
This site publishes the information that is made available to us. If the contact person decided not to give us a number there is not a way for us to verify that the meeting is still active.
Is there any member from India in this fellowship? Or anyone from Holland / Netherlands?
Can anyone please contact me? I have some query?
I am Manish G. from Pune, India.
My mobile number, WhatsApp number is +919850669648
My email ID is [email protected].
Thanks and Regards,
Hello Manish
i am writing to a DA person today. This person is Indian and a member of DA online JOH program. I have contacted this individual and let it be known that someone in India is wishing to contact Indian DA member of JOH.
hugh S., for the DA FELLOWHIP.
Hi, there,
I bought the book “Depressed Anonymous” from Amazon, but the prints are kind of small to my eyes, is there an electronic version?
Yes there is but it is currently no longer available. It will be made available again in the future I’m just not sure when.
FYI, the following meeting listed is no longer active:
Green Valley Club
Mondays 7 pm
3565 E. Post Rd, Suite #112, Las Vegas, NV 89120
Near Sunset and Pecos
Thanks this has been removed as well.
The following meeting is also no longer valid.
The address is now a vacant lot, they tore down the church.
Spiritual Life Center
Time: Thursdays 3 pm
1420 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Room 1 Second Floor
Thanks for updating us on this. The meeting has been removed from our list.
With gentleness, love and respect, I want to ask about the structure of DA. I see that much of the literature is authored by Hugh Smith. Doesn’t this go against the tradition of anonymity? Does Depressed Anonymous have a WSO? Is Hugh Smith the leader of DA? Why does he make his last name public?
Yes Hugh is the founder of DA. When he wanted to publish the literature his contact at Amazon said that they needed his last name. Begrudgingly he agreed to list his last name. The benefit of the literature to people was more important at the moment to anonymity.
The fellowship has historically been rather small and DA is in the midst of forming a WSO. More will be announced shortly.
Does Depression Anonymous grant permissions to DA group in other countries to translate its publications into their language? If so, please let me know of the process.
That process is ongoing. I would suggest you reach out the founder of the fellowship at [email protected] – his name is Hugh.
I am glad to report two groups have started recently in The Netherlands with a 12 step program about anxiety and depression. Would you be so kind to add this to your meeting list so people can find them?
Thanks! Jasper.
Reading the english portion of your website at the bottom on the page it looks like there is just one face to face meeting listed. I will add an entry on the international meetings in the next day or so. Please write back once you get the online meetings going.
Thanks Bill, I noticed the current information about The Netherlands is obsolete. The group in Maastricht no longer exist. Would you be so kind to update the information?
I only have control over The Netherlands info is hosted on another site. You will need to contact the people who manage the other website.
I am referring to the information on this page:
Thanks for updating it!
My name is Robert. I have done 12-steps before for addiction, and it would so appear I would benefit from a program oriented towards depression recovery. I just don’t want it to turn into a life long thing since my goal is freedom. So if someone could please give me some guidance I would appreciate it. I am in San Marcos, CA. 8582185055
It’s never a life long commitment. It’s about having a daily reprieve from saddening yourself. If you are caught in the habit loop of saddening yourself then DA can help you. This may involves going to meetings. To what level you participate is a function of how deep and persistent your addictive habit of saddening yourself is.