The following paragraph has been submitted by a Depressed Anonymous member from one of our groups in North Carolina, USA.
“I just want to think all day… And I want to lay down and think all day. I want to think and overthink until I figure it all out and until its all OK… I feel like an elephant is sitting on me and it’s just easier to just stay down than it is to try and get him off of me… I had so much to do today and yet none of it is calling me as loud as my bed is. Depression is baffling… Wicked and so mean. I pray to just be a little bit productive today for my soul’s sake…. Prayers welcomed.”
Debra S.
Comment: How true. I tried to figure it all out and always ended up where I started. I never really figured it out. Finally, I found the key. I found the key when I attended my first 12 step meeting. Have you found the key yet?