
Clarification of thought through journaling.


I see myself better when I write down who I feel I am today.

” The simple act of writing something down is tremendously helpful, because to do so we have to bring something clearly to mind. Instead of having half-formed thoughts and confused emotions crashing and fumbling around inside of us, we crystallize these thoughts and feelings into sentences. Once we put these sentences down on paper we have taken something from inside and put it outside. Now we can look at it, judge it, and master it.”


I am making every effort to get in touch with who I am and I am taking the opportunity now to focus on what gets me down and what keeps me up. I am seeing, too, that the more I associate with people like myself who are following and working their program of recovery, the better I feel. I intend to journal or keep a diary of my good progress.

I know that the more I stay in my head the greater the confusion. It is only when I begin to see on paper my expressions of hope and confusion that I can begin to change some of my thoughts which I find I am repeating to myself, day after day. I now can write down a new positive thought about myself. I can choose to feel whatever I choose.


Our guiding love, our God as we understand God, is doing for us all that it desires to lavish on us today. I am hopeful that I can find my new path and grow stronger in learning the various ways to hear our Higher Power’s promptings.

SOURCE: Copyright(c) Higher Thoughts for down days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of 12 Step fellowship groups.(1993, 1999). Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. April 19th, pages 78-79.

Hope is just a few steps away!