All it takes is one good person to restore hope – Pope Francis

This statement is so true. All it takes is one good person to restore hope. This is a reality that I personally experience each day of my life. I find these individuals every day – carrying the message of hope to those others who are looking for a way out of their pain and suffering. These good people who lead are sharing their own hope, strength and experience with those who still suffer alone, and without hope. These good people take it upon themselves to communicate to others how they found hope and now want to share their recovery with others. They are using the fellowship of hope by the electronic systems such as ZOOM, SKYPE, FACEBOOK and the many face to face groups outside of the virtual world. These various communication tools enable us to reach around the world bringing fellowship to those seeking hope.

Recently, individuals in Poland decided to set up their own SKYPE meetings. Just recently in America two ZOOM group are operating, with one more about to get up and running. There is also a phone – in meeting operating. in America.

We are here at (Depressed Anonymous) offering hope to those who come to our website. A Blog is offered a number of times a week. There are those good people who are not members of Depressed Anonymous who use their resources and talents to keep our websites, our ZOOM and SKYPE online programs operating with a myriad of technical skills. All in all, good persons continue to find hope and share what they have with others. so that they too can experience the hope that is real and offered freely to them.

Depressed Anonymous website at will lead you to the places where you can go and join up with others at a 12 Step Depressed Anonymous meeting.

Like Francis tells us “All it takes is for one good person to restore hope.”

Won’t you be the next “one good person?” Will you join with us on this great journey where we all discover the hope of recovery and personal serenity?

The Fellowship of Depressed Anonymous

2 thoughts on “All it takes is one good person to restore hope – Pope Francis”

  1. Hello
    I have dealt with clinical depression all my adult life.
    I am 70 years old . Thank Due to this condition I took a course in community counseling and became a WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), and taught classes for overcoming on depression.
    How can I volunteer please ? I am also a certified court interpreter so can translate into Farsi. I am Iranian by origin so I wonder if I can start a group for the Farsi speaking community.
    Warm Regards

    1. Hi Nazie

      Happy to hear from you. Yes, there is a strong possibility that you can use your language skills to help us. I will be able to be contacted at [email protected]. I appreciate your encouragement and desire to help others with depression. Today depression, exists globally in epidemic proportions. Each one of us can do something!!!!
      Hope to hear from you soon.

      Hugh for the fellowship

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