How many times have we heard this from those who are depressed. Many depressed people say that this feeling of worthlessness and hollowness is all that they have ever known. In fact, they add. “since it is all I’ve ever known I’m too scared to feel something different.” In other words, their feelings of sadness is like a life-long friend and to change now is asking the impossible. Their whole identity has ben centered on how bad they always feel. Even though they are sick and tired of being sick and tired they cling on to the familiar and secure sadness. This is all they know and can’t trust themselves to surrender this debilitating sadness and attempt to feel something different. It’s a risk to try and feel cheerful. Being sad all the time is predictable –at least they know what they have. Getting oneself undepressed is almost too frightening to think about, much less spending a lot of time and energy trying to figure out how to escape it.
How can I help myself out of this deep pit if I believe what I have is better than what I might get? I recommend first of all that a person admit that their life is unmanageable and out of control because of their depression. Your compulsion to depress yourself might make you feel secure but it does make for a life lived in misery and fear. You have to admit that you no longer want to live this way. You have to say that you are NOW wiling to listen to other people and find out how they are able to risk feeling something other than sadness. You have to want to quit saddening oneself! If you have felt this sadness all or most of your life then you can now learn a way to escape the personal sadness and constant fatigue that feeling disconnected from yourself and your world makes you feel.”
SOURCES: Material taken from the Home Study Combo:
Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition (2011) and The Depressed Anonymous Workbook, (2001) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. [VISIT THE LiTERATURE STORE for more excellent resources. ]