Happiness is an elusive feeling – and for each of us happiness can mean something very different. When I say to myself “life doesn’t get any better than this,” then I know that life is indeed good and that all is well with my soul.
What can keep us in the prison of depression is a construction that we place on events and situations that occur in our world.
To be free means to act with a degree of spontaneity. This after all, is the opposite of depression. Events of themselves are not the cause for depression – similar events are in the lives of many folks but there are some folks that don’t experience depression because of them. So, it must be the way we think about these events and the meanings that we place on the situation. Our lives and the way we look at life is composed of past and present events. Our past life is a way we predict the future. “Since bad things have happened to me in the past – bad things are bound to happen to me in the future.” How true this is. Our prison is composed of blocks of times and situations which at one time were fluid – like a river moving. Since these events affect our sense of self – we caused the river to stop flowing – and instead our painful thoughts and feelings – are the blocks that make up the walls of our personal prison. We need to restore the fluidity the of our lives. Once when our self has been restored – namely our spontaneity, we will experience freedom and happiness. By having that spiritual experience and being an active member of the fellowship of Depressed Anonymous is what can restore us to sanity. Happiness comes from finding loving support, and acceptance.”
SOURCES: (C) The Promises. (2002). Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.
(C) Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition (2011). Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.
(C)The Depressed Anonymous Workbook, 2nd edition. (2002) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.