“The unexamined life may not be worth living, but the unlived life is sure not worth living.”
As the publisher of books, the taking of inventory of my product , is critical for the success of my business. When I got started in my production of books I wasn’t sure of how many books I would need for immediate sale on the market. I decided x number of books would be needed for immediate sale and would purchase more from the printer as needed.
I knew that as an order came in for the purchase of our books, I could get them to the customer in one week. The turn-around was quick. As more books were sold, and my inventory became depleted, I had to rush to get more books printed (the turn-around from the printer was two weeks or more , and our shipping to the customer turned out to be three to four weeks). For us, that was unacceptable. We made sure from that experience, to always have an inventory available to meet the growing demands for our books.
In our recovery program, Depressed Anonymous, in the Fourth Step, we are asked to make an inventory. This inventory will help us meet the daily demands of our lives as we begin to examine those negative thoughts, feelings, with their crippling behaviors, which have kept us imprisoned in that loop of helplessness and hopelessness, spiraling us downward into the pit where we lost all hope,
In our ongoing posts on Step Four, we will continue to examine Step F our, which states that we have “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”
In the next days we will post reflections on our own inventory and how our examinations will lead us to a life filled with hope.
Please join with me as we travel this road together.
Hugh., for the fellowship