Dear All,
I have been very busy lately, out living life, and I wanted y’all to know that just being on this Blog subscription list and reading the shares and the “Big Book” of Depressed Anonymous has helped me tremendously to not fall into depression in blind denial as was my custom,. Two things are helping me.
“do the next right thing”
“motivation follows action”
Thank you so much for being here!
Also for the first time I can handle flashbacks from PTSD more easily because I am not depressed. I even had more repressed memory come up. I was depressed for about a day and a half and then got sick of it and got up and went back to my daily life. It is a miracle! Thank you, thank you, thank you…I believe I am on the path that leads to depression being something that I used to struggle with so mightily. I don’t think I’m cured, just that Depressed Anonymous is a light to guide me, to keep me on the path to wellness….
The Antidepressant Tablet.
A Comment
Thanks to you Trish, for your thoughts and your enthusiastic response to the power of the 12 steps of Depressed Anonymous at work in your own life. And yes, the mutual aid support group which we fondly know as Depressed Anonymous group has participants thought out the world. It has come a long way since it was founded in 1985, Truly, the group is like the “mustard seed” of the Gospels. Our BIG BOOK is being translated into Dutch, Spanish, Iranian(Persian). It has already been translated into Russian and now made available to those in Eastern Europe who speak Russian.
All of us who use the Steps of recovery can give thanks to Bill W., and Bob S., the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (1939).All of us in the program continue to stand on the shoulders of these two giants, plus those who were the first members of this healing initiative.
I personally can say that my own recovery and the life I lead now would not have been possible if I had not become a member of a 12 Step recovery program and lived my life around the Promises of the Steps.
You might want to participate in our online HOME STUDY PROGRAM where you will be able to work your own program using the DA Workbook and Manual (BIG BOOK). The online program works via emails and correspondence that are set up between you and the sponsor.
You can find out more about this personal recovery effort by clicking onto the Depressed Anonymous Publications website At the Site menu, you can use the drop down individual menu HOME STUDY PROGRAM, and learn how to order the materials and then start your own program using these two books. Trish, would be happy that you will find the serenity and hope that she has found.