I will have the peace I desire as I continue to pray to do God’s will.
“Being in God’s will is the beginning of peace and the beginning of the end of your depression with its hollowness and jitters.” (8)
Most people don’t understand this who have not been in the program very long. What it means is that I must attempt to work and live this spiritual program. I need to let myself be guided by God’s hand in my life and so become open and ready to fiollow his guidance.
The beginning of wisdom is to hear the voice of God. It is imperative that I take an active role in getting better. I often say that God is the rudder of my boat and I have to put my oars in the water if I am going to get to the shore. I believe that one of the best ways for me to start to feel better is to take each step (Depressed Anonymous, Third Edition (2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications) and try to do what it suggests. Keeping a journal lets me know what I am feeling for each day. I have come to believe that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity. I wonder sometimes if this hollow feeling inside myself isn’t more of a longing and hunger for a spiritual food that nothing in my life now can and ever will provide.
We pray that God will show us the way out of our depression by living and following the program that has healed other people who have been addicted to a behavior or a substance and which continued to bring them down instead of up.
SOUIRCE: Higher Thoughts for Down Days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for Twelve Step Fellowship Groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. Page 71.