It is no wonder that after all these years that I have finally got smart. How many times have I made a resolution to do this or do that and most often as not I couldn’t make it past the first week without falling on my face. So is NOT making a resolution, in fact making a resolution? Well, I think yes it is. I Can’t win! But don’t you think not doing something is easier that trying to do something that could be challenging and even uncomfortable. And I say to myself, “myself, yes, right on!”
For instance let’s say that I make a resolution to get up out of bed and do an exercise activity to get my day started. I am making a resolution to do this three times a week. So far so good. I just know from what I read and from other folks who exercise how helpful this is to put some of our depression symptoms in the back seat. And then we decide that Monday is the day we start our program of exercise. And Monday comes and we decide that today is too soon to start and we tell ourselves we’ll do it when we feel better. Right now, we tell ourselves, I am just to tired to do any activity at all today. So there goes the resolution. So, now we wait for Wednesday to get started. And on and on the resistance to do anything to overcome our depression symptoms goes by the wayside.
Another scenario is from my own past. When I became depressed I really didn’t have a clue what was going inside of me but I knew something wasn’t right. I could hardly force myself out of the bed in the morning–couldn’t wait to get off work so that I could go to bed–before 5PM. Most unusual for me. I was gradually losing any purpose for my life. Work. Bed. Work. I was scared and thought that I was losing my mind. Could not retain a thought. Could not remember a paragraph that I had just finished reading. What to do? No answer popped in my mind. But I knew one thing–I had to get out of bed and go to work or there would be no way to take care of my bills. So I made a commitment to exercise. One day at a time. A resolution?
I just knew I MUST force myself out of bed…sneakers at my bedside — alarm clock across the room in which I had to get up to turn the awful sounding thing off. In time , by forcing myself to get up, go exercise, I gradually found the fog lift. I learned a great lesson.
Let’s put it this way if you will. I knew something worse would happen if I didn’t get moving. For me there was no “I’ll do it when I feel better,” and putting off taking care of myself. Nothing can happen unless you make the choice to do something today. Is your life at the same point as was mine? If it is, then force yourself to do what you don’t want to do and watch as feelings, moods and behaviors all begin to change. For the better you! Happy New Year! One day at a time. All we have is this 24 hour period. Treat yourself kindly!