Today’s societies, actually a consumer oriented society in which the latest “gizmo” or the latest “just have to have it” item appears on the horizon or on the market.
Now that Christmas is over, all gift packages unwrapped and all the “gizmo’s” batteries from our toys have gone dead, it’s back to square one. It’s back to thinking about which of our many video games to give our undivided attention to. Or it’s time to return our gifts that either don’t fit, mechanisms don’t work as well as we thought, or they don’t quite fit in with our tastes for our home décor.
Now add to all of this, at least in our Northern hemisphere, longer and dark days, plus the frigid temperatures. Most of us stay inside our homes, unwilling to brave the snow, sleet and icy roads.
A common two word complaint from the younger generation that I didn’t hear much of when I was growing up is “I’m bored.” Also, “there is nothing to do.” “What” I say to myself, “how can this be?” There is so much to do!
I believe that all of the above is a set-up for melancholia. We are face to face with ourselves, and with no particular purpose or meaning for our lives except looking for some form of immediate gratification. We become isolated in our negative thoughts and begin to feel alone and like nomads in the midst of a desert with no map indicating what our next step should be. Life sometimes is like a chess game where we are check-mated–no where we can go to escape being trapped and totally isolated. And by being “bored” and “with nothing to do” we may slowly and imperceptibly descend into the enveloping quicksand of depression.
“Is this all there is?” No, not at all, but if YOU are all there is, then you may probably find yourself trapped and isolated. Everything will come to a standstill, excepting that painful hollow feeling in your soul that material possessions, prestige or pride will be unable to fill. What will heal this gaping hole in your spirit? What will allow you to again look beyond your self so that you might see that this world filled with color and beauty can once again be yours?
Here is what I have discovered after having been trapped, isolated and depressed. I discovered and became part of a fellowship that helped me gradually climb out of my depression where I found out that “there is more!” Yes, there is hope beyond just what I have, what I own or my desire for more. There is the hope that what I have now has nothing really to do with anything material –it has to do with the belief in a Higher Power greater than myself -a God of my understanding.
This Higher Power, and this fellowship of Depressed Anonymous has for these many years led me to others who are looking for something to believe in – something to hope for. Possibly your own feelings of worthlessness and helplessness, which were my feelings too before Depressed Anonymous as well. It is here where the freedom and the spiritual principles of the Twelve Steps continue to provide me peace and joy to this very day.
Read my story (there IS more!) and many others in our DEPRESSED ANONYMOUS, 3rd edition,(2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.
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