“I pray that God will give me the courage to live today with hope – hope that God’s leading will take me past the dead end of despair.
If we want to live life fully we must have freedom, love and hope. Life must be an uncertain business. This is what makes it worthwhile.”
I know how the feelings of depression, and the deadness and greyness of my sadness keep me holed up in the narrow confines of my dark past. Today my feelings are gradually becoming unfrozen as I attempt new things, new connections with other persons. These cause me to reconsider that a life lived in unpredictableness is a risky but nevertheless a healthy way to live my life.
Since I hold on to the belief that since bad things happened to me in the past, bad things will happen to me in the future. I need to live each new day with the belief that I can change the way I think, feel and act. I know now that I am not mentally ill nor am I losing my mind when I am depressed. I want to live just for today to try to learn how to face the uncertainties of today. Life is unpredictable . To have any certainty that it will be other than that is clearly an illusion, and for sure one is being set up for many a disappointment.
We see that it is only in risking., that is, getting a different map, a map that shows a number of different routes instead of the one that leads us down the road to narrow isolation and despair. I ask the God of my understanding to lead me according to it’s guidance. Hopefully the road that leads to hope and serenity.
(C) Higher Thoughts for down days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of 12 Step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications . Louisville. KY. (January 5th).
(c) I’ll do it when I feel better. (2018) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville, KY.
(c) Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition.(20ll). Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville, KY.
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