“By recognizing how it feels to be depressed, more people will have the help and guidance that will get them through their depression. Lives will be saved as well. Besides reading the Twelve Steps at each meeting, the group learns on a firsthand basis about the ” miracle of the group.” It is in the sharing and getting connected with the other members of the group where one’s recovery begins.”
I have also learned how those persons who aren’t able to get to a group meeting that they can start learning how to leave the prison of depression by using the HOME STUDY KIT. This program of recovery is basically a do it yourself program where one can go through all the Steps, one by one, using the Depressed Anonymous manual and The Depressed Anonymous Workbook. Both of these books combined make a great way to begin one’s own recovery and then hopefully others will want to join you with their own recovery efforts.
HOME STUDY KIT information is located at www.depressedanon.com.