NOTICE: Whenever a blog post mentions an online meeting be sure to consult the page Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings for the most up to date and correct information. If the blog post is more than a few days old there is a chance it could be incorrect.
Today we were able to hold a conference meeting for 50 members of the Association of Depressed Anonymous in Iran this morning. They provided an interpreter for the 1 hour 1/2 meeting and had submitted 12 questions for us to consider and respond. Because of distance and time, their group, using the DA book Manual and Workbook (translated into Farsi) made a very informative meeting for the participants,.
This program has been used in Russia and other locales, as they too have our DA book translated in Cyrillic . The event was a Depressed Anonymous conference via Skype for members of a treatment Center in Siberia. This event had a director of the program who spoke English and translated my English into Cyrillic. It was a very wonderful event to experience.
Anyone , who has access to the Russian DA book, 3rd edition , or the Farsi copy of the DA 3rd edition, can set up a SKYPE conference. Now we have the DA 3rd edition in Spanish and the Dutch editions in paperback format. A person who is fluent in English would be able to communicate with a member of a group conference members will have their questions, comments passed back to us in English
There are two EBooks presently available and which can be downloaded on your computer for a group conversation in your own home region and language. You will provide a translator.
Attention: Depressed Anonymous groups in USA and beyond: If you would like to set up a conference call via SKYPE, please Email us at our office :
D[email protected]. Put the word SKYPE in the subject space.
We can visit together about what might be the best way for us to start a group in your area where there is no Depressed Anonymous recovery program available.
NOTE: The least expensive way to purchase these two EBooks is to use the download process. There is a saving of $9.00 USD. There is no charge for postage. Please go to our Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore and find information that would explain more about our literature.
Our website is : Type the URL into your browser and learn more about who we are and what we are about.
Thank you