The essence of the depression experience.


The essence of the experience of depression is that you are alone in some kind of prison. You can describe your prison. You might see your prison as being at the bottom of a deep pit, or locked inside of a cage, or wrapped in a shroud.  You might feel that you are stumbling across a stony desert, or through a thick fog, or that a large black bird is crouched on your shoulders, making it  impossible for you to move.  Whatever your image, you are alone, and in this prison you are both the miserable prisoner and the cruel prison guard.   When we are simply unhappy, no matter what terrible  fate has befallen us, we still feel a connection to the rest of the  world and to ourselves.  We let others comfort us, and feel warmed and supported, and we comfort ourselves. But when we are depressed, no warmth or support comes through our prison wall, and we punish ourselves most cruelly.”


If the quotation above,  from Dr. Dorothy Rowe,  paints a picture of yourself,  then you will find  answers for your own recovery at our Home page website  at  Literature is also available at Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore.


The Successful Self: Freeing Our Hidden Inner Strengths. Dorothy Rowe. (1988) Harper Collins/Publishers. London. Pages 197-198.

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