I will use a notebook or my Depressed Workbook Home Study program to chart my course, list how each day goes, so that I can repeat the feelings or thoughts that have allowed me to feel I am becoming responsible for my activities.
“”…there is one great advantage about seeing yourself as helpless and in the power of others. You don’t have to be responsible for yourself. Other people make all the decisions and when things turn out badly, you can blame other people. And things always turn out badly. You know this. That’s why you always expect the worse.” (3)
Truly, I know this is where the great serenity lies, being responsible for myself. If all I did was sit around and say poor me, and woe is me, I am not only making life tough on myself but I am making life miserable for those around me. This is why I, as a writer and therapist, and one who has been depressed, knows that it is only when I get moving, even though I felt like death that I began to get better. No one will make me feel better. (See: I’ll do it when I feel better) I will now make myself feel better. Make up your mind to do what needs to be done…TODAY! I want to enjoy this world. I am tired of the pain of feeling worthless. I don’t want to blame anyone for my problems because no one is making me live in the problem. I will live in the solution from now on. The solution for me is working the Twelve Step program.
Blame helps me to never have to look inside myself and ask myself how much of my present state of depression is due to the way I have learned to think about myself and my life? I am not in the blame game and so I am now willing to face the enemy and start the changing process.
Faith can move mountains. (See: Believing is seeing: 15 ways to leave the prison of depression) Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door shall be opened for you. I believe this. What do you believe?
SOURCE: Higher thoughts for down days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for Twelve step fellowship groups.