Yesterday I went bowling with my grandchild. I learned a life lesson yesterday at the bowling alley. I noticed that the more my bowling became sloppy and my bowling without much of an attitude, positive or negative, my scores continued to drop. It was like I was stepping up to the line and going on automatic pilot. Not much gets done with that, either in one’s life or even in bowling.
I stopped and reflected. “Wait” I said to myself. At that moment I knew that my attitude of mindlessness and negativity was not helping me. I reflected some more and looked at the ten pins down the alley, picked out the center pin, and became mindful of what I was about to do. I did better from that moment on. I did not get more strikes — but fewer pins were left standing. Mindfulness.
In my own life I now have become mindful of “red flags”, those situations that make me mindful and alert me that my thinking is becoming erratic, negative and fear producing. I am mindful that this type of thinking, in the past, spiraled me down into that pit of darkness and despair. But now as I use the “tools” of the 12 Steps, I am mindful, on a daily basis of living a life of mindfulness, one day at a time. It is in my prayer and meditation times each day, plus the supportive fellowship of my Depressed Anonymous group, that keeps me mindful of my Higher Power and the path that I want to travel today.
My bowling score is also getting better!