One thing that they have in common is their capacity to suck you down into the darkness in which you feel there is no escaping. Quicksand is no respecter of persons and neither is depression. What happens when we step into quicksand our feet become aware that something is drawing us down into a place that has no bottom. There is no support that will hold us up.
With depression we too feel that once the spiraling begins, the mood changes and we are there alone without support to hold us up. We are afraid to tell anyone that we are depressed. We continue to isolate ourselves and the prison of depression is gradually being built by fear, isolation and ongoing ruminations about how bad things are. By withdrawing and living in the small world that we have created all hope appears to have ben sucked out of us. Now it’s the lack of motivation to do anything to help ourselves and so we begin to eat too much or not eat at all. We want to sleep all the time or not sleep at all. We are no longer interested in those pleasant activities that we once enjoyed but now we get no pleasure from them.
I would like to offer you a way out of depression and protection from being sucked down into the pain of nothingness.
On November 15, we will initiate our HOME STUDY RECOVERY PROGRAM ONLINE. The program is an online process where you can email answers to questions posed in the Depressed Anonymous Workbook and get a response to your progress from a Depressed Anonymous sponsor. Because there might not be a Depressed Anonymous meeting in your community we have found that providing you with the possibility of working the Steps, gaining information about yourself and what depression feels and looks like. All this becomes possible by taking part in this online individual help from a member of the DA fellowship. You and your sponsor/guide who continues to help those who want to leave the prison of depression. To challenge yourself and free your self from depression this is the program for you. There are no fees or dues, all you need is a plan, a well marked out path, provided by our fellowship, which we call the 12 steps of recovery and restoration,
Start now and be part of the HOME STUDY PROGRAM BY signing up soon so that you will be ready to start your one on one in recovery on November 15. We are accepting only 10 persons in this program. The two books which you will need are the Depressed Anonymous Workbook and the Depressed Anonymous Manual, 3rd edition. Please VISIT THE STORE here at to learn how you can order online to receive your material. This is NOT a group meeting, but a program personalized to meet you where you are in life. The whole step by step process is achieved like a long distance course offered by colleges and universities. You and your guide will be in communication via emails to each other to get the most benefit for your own life.
If you have any questions please contact me here or at our website: [email protected]. We will be looking forward to visiting with you. I have been helping others free themselves from depression these past 30 years and I am willing to go to bat for you too.
If for any reason you prefer to SKYPE then that will be fine with me and our guides.
I hope to hear from you soon. Our email address is [email protected] for those who wish more information about the upcoming program on November 15, 2017.
for the fellowship of DA.