I start my day with reflections from Higher Thoughts for Down Days, providing me with a spiritual and meaningful kick start for the hours to follow. This work, contains a daily Higher Thought affirmation, a meaningful reflection, and closes with an appropriate short meditation.
Some Depressed Anonymous groups use this daily Higher Thought for their group meeting discussion topic. In my effort to produce a meaningful daily reflection book for persons depressed, especially those of us who work a Twelve Step recovery program, I found this daily approach to be most therapeutic for those of us who are or were depressed and isolated.
Now those of us who like the electronic handheld Kindle ereader, Depressed Anonymous Publications has made available a new KINDLE version of Higher Thoughts for Down Days. Not only are you able to put the meditation for that day on your screen, you are able to scroll through and find that particular thought which has meaning for you today.
Higher Thoughts for Down Days starts your day off with a hopeful boost, be it by way of a hard copy of Higher Thoughts or a KINDLE version.
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