People change by facing themselves and discovering a process, a step by step process, where we begin to be aware of why we are the way we are. In THE DEPRESSED ANONYMOUS WORKBOOK, a companion volume to DEPRESSED ANONMYMOUS, 3rd edition, (HOME STUDY PROGRAM) we will find answers on how to change.
We learn that depression distorted us from the truths of life, namely, that life is to be lived with hope and serenity. Nursing along a good habit can in time wean us from old and debilitating habits of thought and behavior. We want to daily fill our day with the gratitude that we are indeed getting better and that the trust we have is indeed placed in the Higher Power.
In order for us to escape depression we need to begin to be aware of the process of how people change. That process is of a nature a spiral instead of a straight line. In other words, now we are willing to risk feeling differently and we have been gearing up to improve our situation. In other words we are making a very important decision right now about our lives.
- AWARENESS STAGE: We become conscious that we can’t go on feeling the way we do. Something has to give.
- MOTIVATING STAGE: I am going to prepare myself for needed changes in my thinking, acting and feeling.
- DOING STAGE: I am going to take charge and be responsible for positive changed that have to be made by me if I am to feel differently.
- MAINTAINING STAGE: I will continue to seek out and sustain my recovery with people, concepts and my personal working of the 12 Step program for recovery.
Now apply these four stages which serve as antidotes to our character defects (ideas and habits which continue to make us feel sad). These defects of character cause us to stay imprisoned in our prison of depression.
In the days to follow we will examine THE FOLLOWING THREE issues which confront the daily lives of most of us when we are depressed.
(1) BLAMING ourselves and/or others for our problems.
For those of you who desire a more complete approach to finding what depression is, what it does to our self esteem and ways to overcome our isolation and sadness, persons depressed have utilized the HOME STUDY PROGRAM.
THE DEPRESSED ANONYMOUS WORBOOK, with its question and answer format, provides a pathway leading to the road to serenity and community. You find that others just like yourself started where you are starting and found answers to why we have become depressed in the first place. By the time you have worked out answers to all the questions posed by the author in the WORKBOOK you may discover your best self. And, isn’t that what we all are looking for?
With the WORKBOOK, there is the DEPRESSED ANONYMOUS Big Book, 3rd edition., which is coordinated with each Step in the WORKBOOK and provides a recovery process which will complement one’s own progress in working the program
SOURCES: (c)Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition. (2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.
(c) The Depressed Anonymous Workbook. (2002) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville.
VISIT THE STORE, which lists all literature from DAP., and order online if you wish, the HOME STUDY PROGRAM.