“My mind was blank and my feelings were on edge. I felt as if a large hole with jagged edges was located in the center of my psyche. It was at this time that I began to feel like I was walking in a fog. The anxiety was exacerbate by the fact that I was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. The pain that this hole produced became a daily reminder that something was not right and so I took comfort in sleep. I went to bed as soon as I got home from work. I thought that I could shake off with sleep whatever held me by the throat. All that had held interest for me–all my interests in people -my future career as a therapist –I lost interest in everything. Nothing provided any pleasure for me at this time. My life was on hold. The only thing that I was interested in was sleep. I just wanted to sleep.”
This is taken from the 1st chapter of I’ll do it when I feel better. It’s the story of how my own depression gave me the impetus to set up and organize a group of persons depressed, following the program of the Twelve Steps. This 1st chapter tells how it all began.
In the following weeks we will take excerpts from this work and help give an idea of what some of our basic beliefs are about. Please join us here.
SOURCE: I’LLDO IT WHEN I FEEL BETTER(2014) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. Page 2.