A Depressed Anonymous member shares their story (A victim of my own mind #9 ) of recovery in Depressed Anonymous. The following is an excerpt.
“I had always known that I was hard on myself. I reamed myself every time something bad had happened. “Why can’t I find someone to love me? Or “I don’t understand how I can be nice and people still keep hurting me.” Or “Why isn’t God looking after me.” But for some reason when I realized I was doing this to myself, it made me realize that maybe all I would have to do is stop doing it. All of a sudden it made sense.
If I tell myself negative things, I feel negative. If I tell myself nothing I feel nothing. So, if I tell myself positive things, eventually I’ll have to feel positive.”
Copyright(c) Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition. (1998, 2008, 2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville, KY. (Excerpt from Personal Stories section).