How true. It’s like being around persons who are continually toxic (negative) and for us to try and make them happy. Or someone in the family smokes and we tell them they need to quit smoking. And how has that worked for you? Or someone who continues to pig out on junk food day after day and who is obese and you try to have them change their eating habits. How has that worked out for you? But you say, we have our own problems.
Today I tell myself, like all the days past, I am going to make a change in the way I talk to myself. You know, all those thoughts which keep circling in our minds, like the proverbial merry-go-round, riding our horse, bobbing up and down, going nowhere, and telling ourselves we must get off before we fall off. And….what do we do? Yep, we keep riding this bobbing up and down horse. Again, we tell ourselves, I’ll do it when I feel better; When I have the time, the money for counseling, the friend who will listen to me forever and not run away like all the rest of those who said they were my friends. Where do you go after the continual self speak which pounds in to our heads thoughts voicing how I am unacceptable to myself and everyone else. Another horse (thought) that I ride that bobs me up and down is the one that tells me how bad and unacceptable that I am.
How do I keep from riding a dead horse? Get off!
In Step Two, and the commentary which tells us all about this Step Two in our DEPRESSED ANONYMOUS BOOK — “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity,” we learn some things about the compulsivity of sadness that has gripped our minds and our whole physical self. The insanity of our thinking continues to make us feel helpless and hopeless. I got off the merry-go-round years ago. At times I almost bought a ticket and got back on but then I remembered I had a “toolbox” which continues to provide me with a spiritual and Step by Step program to NOT get trapped into the maddening, insane way that caused so much pain in the past. DO YOU WANT TO GET OFF THE MERRY-GO-ROUND OF INSANITY?
Books from Depressed Anonymous Publications which can help: Depressed Anonymous, Third edition, 2011. Also, I’ll do it when I feel better.”
Hi, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this post. It was helpful.
Keep on posting!