Wow! How about that? Late UN-breaking news? Everywhere you go–it’s late breaking news. Come on folks.
I would be satisfied with more late UN-breaking news myself. Put a trailer at the bottom of the screen and just let the late breaking news pass us by–like a watching the #17 bus head down the street. Well, anyway, I have some late UN-breaking news for you. As you can tell from the title of my BLOG, what I share here is pretty much your regular UN-breaking news. You know, like hey, if you are depressed have you ever considered doing this or trying that or whatever for your melancholia. By the way, that is what they used to call it–melancholia. That is about as UN-breaking as you can get. If you feel depressed, paralyzed by fear, fatigue and purposeless in your life it might be the news for you to know there is hope. Maybe you know or don’t know that many times people who come into counseling for their symptoms of depression want relief–and they want it now. Not tomorrow–not next week–they want it now. Yes, that is what they want. So did I when my life was falling apart. I couldn’t even put a label on what was happening inside of me. I felt helpless. Hopeless. But the REAL BREAKING NEWS is that we have discovered, like millions before us, that once I began to believe in a Power greater than myself, my life gradually began to change. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t have the magic potion or the magic wand to all of a sudden remove feelings of pain, anxiety, fear and lack of a desire to want to live. Let me share with you what we do have to offer. We have a suggested solution. (This is really old news.)
In the coming days I would like to share with you my thoughts -solutions- about depression and its relationship to spirituality. What this means is there a Power greater than yourself that you believe in?
Stay tuned for more UN-breaking news to come. I think what we have to offer will provide you with HOPE!