“Now that I have to dig in and dismember those core beliefs, that keep us repeating the same thinking, the same behavior which keeps us imprisoned in our depression. We have this compulsion to repeat – this ritual of defeat – because, first of all it is comfortable and secondly it keeps us from having to do something that we haven’t done before. We continue to move around in a circle always meeting up with the same me – no major changes evident. If we don’t start the process of change, then not without surprise our life then stays the same. But this also closes the doors to the future and with it a sense of hope and relief. It seems that to believe that we have no future and that we will always feel this way can imprison us as we empower these absolute beliefs that nothing good will ever happen for us. We are thus chained to our own self-will and not only are we imprisoned but we are the jailer as well. The key is in our hands and it is there for the asking.”
(c) I’ll do it when I feel better. (2013) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville Ky. Page 18.
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