Bill W., tells us how to solve personal problems, in his own words.
“Man is supposed to think, and act. He wasn’t made in God’s image to be an automaton.
My own formula along this line runs as follows: First, think through every situation pro and con, praying meanwhile that I be not influenced by ego considerations. Affirm that I would like to do God’s will.
Then, having turned the problem over in this fashion and getting no conclusive or compelling answer, I wait for further guidance, which may come into the mind directly or through other people or through circumstances.
If I feel I can’t wait, and still get no definite direction, I repeat the first measure several times, try to pick out the best courser, and then proceed to act. I know if I am wrong, the heavens won’t fall. A lesson will be learned in any case.”
As Bill Sees It. page 55.
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