My serenity lies in my living in the solution and not in the problem.
“…We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves…
Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us- sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.” (8)
I am beginning to understand how this program of recovery works in my life. First of all, I learned that after a number of meetings, I was beginning to feel more hope for myself. I heard other older members of the group express the fact that the more they came to meetings, the more they began to learn how to live one day at a time and how to let go of all the fears and the “what if’s” that ruled their lives. Since the recovery program is a spiritual program, I have realized that I will be helped by my God as I understand him with whatever I need for my own growth in personal peace and harmony.
Before my eyes, I see lived out the promises for those who work the suggested Twelve Step program of recovery. My belief in a power greater than myself is the priority of my life. I am gradually loosening the grip of sadness which once controlled my life.
We keep the promises of God in our hearts which states that if we ask for anything it will be given to those who believe.”
I believe!