The other day while driving with friends to a meeting we got lost. My friend clicked on a screen on his dash, typed in an address and we were headed in the right direction. The car was equipped with a Global Positioning System or a GPS device. We knew where we were.
In Step Two of our recovery program, Depressed Anonymous, we learn that to find out where we are we “Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” From the very beginning, as we began our journey — a hope filled journey — I might discover where I am going. Because of all the wrong turns in my life and continually ending up on dead-end paths, I had to admit that I need help and direction. I was lost.
Strange as it sounds, my GPS for right living and a serene lifestyle initially came from a group of people, who like myself, were lost and going in the wrong direction. I remember most clearly how in a Depressed Anonymous Prison group one of the men told us that his Higher Power, his GPS was his DA group. It was the power of the group who were all traveling the same road and following the direction of the group toward wellness and healing. He told us that it was the spiritual principles for life contained in each of the Twelve Steps that gave him the hope that he was on the right road and going in the right direction.
And how does one know where they are? For the answer, it will be found in each of the stories of those men whose life before DA was directionless and meaningless. With the support and direction of each of the members in the group, these fellow travelers gained sobriety and a new hope which they never had before. They gradually knew where they were, where they were going and directions on how to get there. The Twelve Steps are like a map pointing out to each of us what we have to do to get to the next Step–all the while promoting in ourselves a yearning for more.
Another part of this spiritual GPS is to have a sponsor–a person who like a guide, helps you see where you are, what brought you to the place where you are now and who is unwilling to go backwards.
In our Depressed Anonymous book, among the personal stories you can find story after story of those whose GPS (The Twelve Steps) led them to hope, serenity and a fellowship unlike any other.
Here is what Ray, a member of Depressed Anonymous writes about his experience and a new direction for his life.
“Another power of Depresed Anonymous is the miracle of the group and what each person brings to the group. I have seen our fellowship get stronger and grow. I have developed many friendships that I can count on for support and understanding. I have watched some of the Newcomers that have been coming back grow and improve Even something as simple as smile when there was none before. The miracle of the group empowers and energized.”
Each of the members know where they are going. How about you?
SOURCE : Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition. Depressed Anonymous Publications (2017). Louisville. Pages133-134.
For more stories like Ray’s please click onto the Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore for information on the many works that help so many find their way.
Also go to and find another work solely dedicated to the stories of those depressed titled: Medley of depression stories. Debra Sanford. 2017.