Category Archives: 12 Step Meeting

My frequent contact with friends in recovery…


“My frequent contact with friends in recovery enables me to speak the language of hope to myself and to others.”

“We have shared our problems and experiences, our thoughts, feelings and sorrows, our hopes and fears, our laughter and tears. Being in a group has offered us security. It has given us a sense of belonging and the feelings of a new beginning. It is comforting to know that the journey will never have to be traveled alone. Someone will always be there, if you are ever set to fall,  to encourage and support you along the way.


My depression thickens in the darkness of solitude; it  withers gradually in the light of open and frank discussion. By my ongoing and frequent participation in Depressed Anonymous (face to face or Online DA Skype Groups) and the other Twelve Step programs of recovery, I feel that I am no longer alone and vulnerable. I know now that there are other persons out there who understand what I am feeling. I won’t hear any “snap out of  it” nonsense. Usually said to us by folks who have never experienced the pain  of depression. I know  that the progress out of the desert of  depression  is slow and methodical. One Step at a time. I am willing to work on myself and I will be able to win over my depression!

But as I have been wounded by a group or individual ,  or my own family of origin, and those who comprised it, can now find a “surrogate” family and make a decision to choose new members of my family.


God, help us to learn how to gradually express ourselves with other members of our group. We know that in helping others, we always help ourselves.”


Depressed Anonymous Daily Online Skype meetings.

(c)Higher Thoughts for down days. 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of Twelve Step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous Publications,. Louisville, KY. Pages 51-52.  March 27.


REMINDER: Everyday there is a scheduled Depressed Anonymous International Skype meeting online at 12:30PM Central Standard Time, and 1:30 Eastern Standard time. Go to your browser and type in: Download and sign into Skype. Search  [email protected] and send a message asking to be added to the group.

You can join  with  a great group of folks who are working the Depressed Anonymous program of recovery. Don’t miss it!!

Thank you.

Daily Skype Depressed Anonymous meeting every day

NOTICE: Whenever a blog post mentions an online meeting be sure to consult the page Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings for the most up to date and correct information. If the blog post is more than a few days old there is a chance it could be incorrect.

Greetings!  To access the daily Depressed Anonymous Meeting  @ 12:30 Eastern Standard Time.  To join the meeting, simply log onto Skype and sign up either @ 12:30 EST.   You should see something that says “join meeting.”

If there is a problem with the signing up, you can email the address given and we will send them a link directly.

At the meeting you can turn on your mic to talk and video if you wish.

Depression is more than being sad

Georgina, from the newly formed  Depression Anonymous group in Sydney, Australia sent us her reflection.

Depression doesn’t really feel like sadness to me….it feels like



no motivation,

no desire to do the things I love doing.

Being depressed is more than being “sad.”

Thank you Georgina E., for this powerful quote which you are sharing with us. We are  always happy to get contributions from Depressed Anonymous members. It is a gratitude of ours that the Depressed Anonymous groups are sprouting up around the world. Please go to the  homepage menu  and see the International SKYPE groups meetings listed.  Please join up.  Check time zones so that you can go online live .

Please feel free to access our website at and check out our BLOG and share your  own thoughts with our international fellowship…We want to hear from you.  We are not alone.

I can’t do anything to remove my compulsive behavior until I choose to live without it!


I know that I have to continue to work on myself and the way that I speak to myself on an ongoing and daily basis. My letting go and let God take over my life doesn’t mean that I’ll just sit back and let God do all the work. No, it means that I will work on myself and leave the outcome up to my Higher Power. I know that my life can be lived differently if I make the effort to choose to become conscious of the thoughts that I let myself ruminate and think about during my day. The more I monitor my thoughts, the more I  am able to filter out the negative thoughts and have them replaced with positive and constructive thoughts.

So often, when I am depressed I continue a thinking style that was learned as a small child. I am not even counscious as to how I would always select the negative attribute about myself to reflect upon, instead of   thinking  positive and hopeful thoughts about myself and my relationships. The more I believe that I have a choice as to how I am to  feel, the more I become conscious of the thoughts that influence the way I feel.


God, let me just for today, dwell on your mercy and kindness that you desire to bestow on us. We pray that our awareness of your love for us will free us from our sadness.


(c) Higher Thoughts for down days: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for members of 12 Step fellowship groups. Depressed Anonymous  Publications. Louisville, KY  December 14th.

(c) Depressed Anonymous, 3rd ed., (2011)  Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville KY.

(c) The Depressed Anonymous Workbook (2002)  Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. KY.

Put a HIGHER THOUGHT in your life every day. A spiritual vitamin will increase your spiritual metabolism so that you  begin to replace negative thinking with thoughts of hope and serenity.

You may order online from the Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore at

International Depressed Anonymous Online Skype Meeting Today 12/12/19

NOTICE: Whenever a blog post mentions an online meeting be sure to consult the page Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings for the most up to date and correct information. If the blog post is more than a few days old there is a chance it could be incorrect.


Go to Website at and click onto to LINK for  getting online and then  type in [email protected]. A member will sign you in.

Have a good meeting!

Online SKYPE International DA meeting TODAY. 12/8/19

NOTICE: Whenever a blog post mentions an online meeting be sure to consult the page Online Depressed Anonymous Meetings for the most up to date and correct information. If the blog post is more than a few days old there is a chance it could be incorrect.

Go to our website at HOMEPAGE MENU and click onto the meeting time and schedule. You will be glad that you did!

I have a program that works!


I am learning today how to think in more positive terms about myself.

“Once we admit that our depressed thinking is what conditions us to see our world as a hopeless place to live, the more we will try to change the way we think.”


When I was able to admit that I have need of improvement   for some area of my life, things begin to happen. I believe that now I have a program in front of me that can help me to feel better, the more I   use it on a daily basis. As one member of the Twelve Step group, Depressed Anonymous points out, “I had to go and open that door for the first time because there was no other place to go. I had already used up all the hiding places in my life.” Now that we admit we need help, help is on the way.”

It is always difficult to change.  Millions of others are leading lives of peace, sobriety and hope as they place their trust in  their Higher Power and commit themselves to learning how to get better.  They are learning that by having faith in God, themselves and the fellowship of the group, life does indeed get better. I am going to get better, the more I work and live the Twelve Steps.


O God, we know that our hope in you will make it possible for us to find hope in our lives  every day. That’s a Promise.


(c) Depressed Anonymous, 3rd edition.(2011) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. KY.

(c)Higher Thoughts for down days. DAP. December 4th, Pages 198-199.

Ordering Online is possible from this website @ The Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore.