“When the old cartographers inscribed,
“There be dragons here.”
Did their wrinkled faces crinkle
Eyes twinkle as they thought of
Sailors calling, “Steer clear, steer clear,
There be dragons here!”
Or were they sure they’d lure
Some brazen tar to dare the bar
And sail a league beyond
Then call to shore, “Steer here, steer here,
There be dragons near! Oh,
We cannot miss the chance, oh, hear!”
These old map makers, did they create
The creatures of the deep for fun
Or know that faith and love can die of fear
And shriveled hope revive its cheer
If voices call into the deep
And so implied with pixie pen,
‘Sail out, sail out, young tads, with
Cheer and call your comrades,
‘Join me here; the map shows clear
That there be dragons near!’ ”
SOURCE: Sister Clarita Felhoelter, An Ursuline Sister In “Even the stuff of Earth: A collection of Poems.” 1998.
This is one of my favorite poems from the collected edition of poems by Sister Clarita. She was the facilitator of our Poetry group that met weekly at the Ursuline Retirement home in Louisville, Ky.
Sr. Clarita was a most cherished community member by all who knew her–myself included.
This poem is one that I particularly cherish because of its humor, powerful images and the truth which it embodies. The one sentence that is of especial interest to us is the following:
“…Or know that faith and love can die of fear
And shriveled hope revive its cheer..”
When we are depressed we know about fear, anxiety and loss. It is that hope in us that is revived by those of us in the fellowship of Depressed Anonymous, who by our recovering hope, share our stories of sailing into the safe harbor of calmer shores.