I now have a gratitude attitude!

“I am rejoicing today as I think about how my life used to be to the way that it is now. I have an attitude of gratitude.”

“Can we actually carry the spirit of gratitude into our daily work? Can we get our newly recognized responsibilities to the world at large? And can we bring new purpose and devotion to the religion of our choice? Can we find a new joy of living in trying to do something about all these things? –The Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions. AA.


The Twelve Steps of Depressed Anonymous are the pivotal points of my life now that I am engrossed in the work of recovery. The Twelve Steps are put to use in all affairs of my life today. I always have them to fall back on when I want to sad myself, when I feel myself going back to that old familiar way of thinking negatively about myself. I thank God for the Twelve Steps and the serenity that I have received from the practice of them all in my daily life.

I have a purpose in my life and that is to rejoice at the help I have received since I have been working my program. I rejoice that I am no longer considered helpless, but instead, find hope in each day as it comes along.

The God of our lives is real to us because the program has allowed us to think of God the way that we want to think of him. We can think of God as our best friend and if I want to put a human face on him, that will work too. The program has truly brought me new joy and devotion to the practice of of religion in some of our lives.

SOURCE: Copyright(c) Higher Thoughts for down days. Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville. Page 207. October 17

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