3. We do not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. (Continued)

Many of us have lived with guilt, shame and regret for our past. Until we get down to business–that is, taken a moral inventory (Step Four) did we desire that the God of our understanding help us see what we needed to do to forgive ourselves and get on with our life.

As the Promises state in so simple a manner, this does not mean that “oh well, we made some mistakes so let’s forget about everything that happened in the past  –after all it’s in the past.”  And we can spend a lot of  wasted time wallowing in the self-pity that occupies any addiction. We also might regret all the time that we wasted staring at the blank wall, alone and trying to figure out in the circling of our thoughts the whys of our immobility, passivity and pain.

It is in Steps Four and Five where our past regrets are played out and dealt with. Once we have made a list of  all of our resentments and fears and spoke of them to a trusted  friend (sponsor) we can begin  to find a new freedom.”

Copyright(c) The Promises of Depressed Anonymous. (2002) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville, KY. Page 7

Believing is seeing: 15 ways to leave the prison of depression

Believing is seeing!

1. “We accept and believe that however hopeless everything appears right now we will recover from our depression.”

“We know that this belief is one of the most important things that we can hang onto as we move through our experience of depression. I have spent almost three decades of working directly  with the depressed in individual counseling. Also, by my active participation in the recovery program of Depressed Anonymous I know from personal experience that those persons who kept coming back to the group meetings week after week always got better. So often people depressed have given up hope of ever feeling different or that they even have the power to change the way they feel. They don’t believe that they have a choice as to whether to get well or to stay locked in the prison of depression. This is why this belief coupled with the first Step of Depressed Anonymous, a 12 Step mutual aid support group, has so much impact on one’s personal belief about recovery. The 1st Step of Depressed Anonymous states that “we admitted that we were powerless over depression and that our lives had become unmanageable.”

First, we have to admit that our lives are out of control because no matter how hard we have tried we can’t shake the awfulness of the despairing and hollow feeling that has us feeling powerless and hopeless…”

More to come…stay tuned.

SOURCE: COPYRIGHT(C) Believing is seeing: 15 ways to leave the prison of depression.(2002) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville, KY. Page 1.


The 3rd Promise of Depressed Anonymous


How do we know that this particular Promise will come true for us?  The only thing that we can rely on is our own experiences. Our experience tells us that the more we live in the solution of the Promises of Depressed Anonymous the more serenity and peace is ours for the moment.

We have discovered that it  is when we begin to live in the solution that our solution focused program leads us past the fear of what might happen to the serenity of the present moment.  Our freedom begins when we start to reflect consciously on what is happening now at this very moment. I have noticed that it is when I become conscious on what is happening now at this very moment. I have noticed that it is when I became conscious about what I am feeling–the direct result of my thinking–it is at this moment that I make the conscious decision to bring myself back to the present.”

SOURCE:  Copyright(c) The Promises (2002) Depressed Anonymous Publications. Louisville, KY  Page 8.




I will to believe today that my Higher Power is going to make a way for me to grow and experience its love in my life.

” We found that God does not make too hard terms with those who seek him. To us, the realm of the Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive: never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek him. It is open, we believe, to all men and women.” Bill W., Co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous


We have all heard the phrase to “let go and let God.”  I believe that in order for me to begin to feel better, I have to take the First Step and admit that my life is out of control and unmanageable. It is hard to admit that I can’t get rid of this depression on my own, but I believe that there is a way out of this mess. If the Twelve Steps can sober up millions of hard-core and chronic addicts, it surely can make a difference in my life as I try to give my life a jump start with letting God run my life.

I like the work “seek” as it signifies hope and possibilities. You don’t seek unless you have a bit of hope that possibly you might succeed in finding what you are seeking.


“Seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened; pray for whatever you want and it will be given to you.”  These words are ancient and they ring true for us who believe in their power. We are learning to trust in God of our understanding as we detect small advances in our lives and doors of hope become open to us. We trust our Higher Power to bestow on us its favor, now that we are moving toward his love and his peace.”

SOURCE:  Copyright(c)Higher Thoughts for Down Days: 365 Daily Thoughts and Meditations for 12 Step fellowship groups. (2014) DAP, Louisville, KY Page 185.

MAPS and DRAGONS (Poem by Sister Clarita Felhoelter OSU)

“When the old cartographers inscribed,

“There be dragons here.”

Did their wrinkled faces crinkle

Eyes twinkle as they thought of

Sailors calling, “Steer clear, steer clear,

There be dragons here!”

Or were they sure they’d lure

Some brazen tar to dare the bar

And sail a league beyond

Then call to shore, “Steer here, steer here,

There be dragons near! Oh,

We cannot miss the chance, oh, hear!”

These old map makers, did they create

The creatures of the deep for fun

Or know that faith and love can die of fear

And shriveled hope revive its cheer

If voices call into the deep

And so implied with pixie pen,

‘Sail out, sail out, young tads, with

Cheer and call your comrades,

‘Join me here; the map shows clear

That there be dragons near!’ ”


SOURCE: Sister Clarita Felhoelter,  An Ursuline Sister   In  “Even the stuff of Earth: A collection of Poems.” 1998.

Are we going around in circles-but going nowhere? There is a solution for this.

“I know that any addiction and compulsive type of behavior gradually removes you from the regular activities of persons around you, including family, friends, and coworkers, until you are established in the narrow confines of pain and isolation. We are always going to be just little more isolated the more we try to think our addiction through in the circle of our thoughts.”


I understand how we have become addicted to all those negative thoughts that we have grown accustomed to talking to ourselves about. Today, I have decided that I am willing to let go of these old and counter productive familiar ways of thinking and feeling about myself.  I have begun to think thoughts that have an air of lightness and hope about them. I want to be true to my best self and just believe that today is a better day than was yesterday. I am, today, breaking out of my negative thinking and into the light of new and positive thoughts about myself. The more I feel that my life has purpose and is going somewhere the more hope I begin to feel rise up in my heart. My new activities each day also promote a sense of well being and pleasure in my life..


God, help us to realize that the best exercise and activity that we can do is to attempt to quiet our restless and wandering mind on your name and pray that you might lead us to think thoughts that are your inspiration and making.”

Copyright(c) HIGHER THOUGHTS FOR DOWN DAYS: 365 daily thoughts and meditations for 12 step fellowship groups.(2014) DAP. Louisville, Ky. September 13. Page 184.


“Our happiness is now dependent on how we look at ourselves, our world and the understanding that we have of our God. I now know that when I first came into the fellowship, I felt like a stranger in a foreign country. My thoughts and feelings were all confused as I began the journey into myself with a deepening desire to discover the engine that drives my sadness. The battle raged inside of me–a battle that was fought in the shadow of past events and relationships.  It was a personal triumph for me to finally see that there was a way out of this despair and emotional atrophy.  I feel that my life got better by my doing something. I now follow a practical plan as outlined by our suggested 12 step program of recovery. I make sure that everyday that I get into action and do something. I used to think that the “good humor fairy” would tap me on the shoulder and I would be well. This is exactly the opposite of what our program of recovery promotes. Our position is that you have to roll up your sleeves and get to work.”

Quote Source:   The Depressed Anonymous Publication: I’ll do it when I feel better.”  (2013)  #2 OF 13  of  Promises of Depressed Anonymous  WE REALIZE A NEW WAY TO LIVE. Page 13.

The light at the end of the tunnel

“Working the Steps is like the person who heads toward the light at the end of the tunnel. The closer one gets to the light–the more one discovers the way out.” The Promises. DAP, Page 1.

How true this is.  But like any journey, it involves preparation, looking at maps and following the right roads to get to one’s destination.  It was only when my life was filled with the darkness of despair, and I could no longer see the light of hope, did I force myself to surrender to that Power greater than myself. That Power was the fellowship of a 12 Step group. It was there that I found kindred spirits who were traveling the same road as I was. We were fellow travelers following a road with markers pointing out the way to sobriety, serenity and a dynamic and loving fellowship.

Do you want to follow our road? If so, please let us know. For more information on how to get on this road, go to our website at www.depressedanon.com. Hope to meet you there.

The “WE” program of the 12 Steps of Recovery

“…we let God demonstrate through us, what God can do.  We ask God to remove our fear and direct our attention to what God would have us be.  At once, we  commence to outgrow fear,”  Bill W., co-founder of AA.

How often have I felt the healing presence of God in the midst of a 12 Step group meeting. I have heard others comment on how God is speaking to them through other members of the group. Because WE are all part of the fellowship of Depressed Anonymous and united in our firm belief of a power greater than ourselves WE  made a decision to turn our wills and lives over to the care of God as WE understood God to be.  WE trust in the Promise that because we live the way of the Steps that WE will find the serenity that comes to those who believe in these Promises.

How can the Depressed Anonymous Group empower me?

“We know that 1) Depressed Anonymous  educates and informs us about our experience of depression. 2) We know that Depressed Anonymous nurtures  us so that we can begin to share unashamedly our unpleasant feelings with others. 3) Depressed Anonymous accepts us and does not make judgments about our experience with depression.  In  other words we don’t hear “snap out of it”  from the members of the fellowship. 4) Depressed Anonymous teaches coping skills by our frequent meetings and group membership interaction. We know about being connected with like minded folks. Depressed Anonymous empowers us so that we feel there is truly a way out of depression for self and/ or  my  loved ones. One of the major benefits of the group is that you can hear how other persons depressed have made it out of their depression. It is also clear that the program works best for those who keep coming back to the meetings.”

Source: I’ll do it when I feel better. 2013  DAP, Louisville, Ky Page 30.

Please comment if you like.

We believe that what we think, what we say, and what we do impact our depression. We believe that depression can be managed by applying the principles of the 12 Steps. All are welcome!